Seminar / Invited Talks

The unintended consequences of quantifying quality: Does ranking school performance shape the geographical concentration of advantage?

McArthur, D. & Reeves, A. (2019) (2023) Dept Social Policy and Intervention, Oxford University 4 June 2019 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1011453

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The lifelong health and wellbeing trajectories of people who have been in care

Sacker, A. (2023) ONS Research Excellence/Data Capability series, Online, 9 February 2023 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008925

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The lifelong health and wellbeing trajectories of people who have been in care

Sacker, A. (2023) National Network of Designated Healthcare, 26 Apr 2023 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008925

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How do schools shape neighbourhoods? Endogenous residential location in response to local school quality

Greaves, E. (2023) Dept of Economics, University of Cardiff, 15 Nov 2023 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2000809

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Household transitions and mortality among older people in England & Wales, evidence from the ONS Longitudinal Study

Xun, W., Stuchbury, R & Grundy, E. (2023) Workshop on Families, Households and Health in Ageing Populations, London, 17 May 2023 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2002606

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Cancer incidence and survival amongst Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and their descendants in England and Wales

Harrison, J. with Sullivan, F., Keenan, K. & Kulu, H. (2023) MigrantLife Symposium, University of St Andrews, 29-30 June 2023 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2001557

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Household responses to trade shocks

Irastorza-Fadrique, A., Levell, P. & Parey, M. (2023) CEP Labour Markets Workshop, LSE, 5 Dec 2023 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1007544

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Do differences in mortality across educational groups explain the stagnation in life expectancy growth in England and Wales?

Zazueta-Borboa, J.-D., van Wissen, L. & Janssen, J. (2023) Annual Academy, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, 13-15 Dec 2023 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2000806

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The ONS Longitudinal Study

Duke-Williams, O. (2023) Stats NZ, New Zealand, Nov 2023 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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The ONS Longitudinal Study

Duke-Williams, O. (2023) Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australia, November 2023 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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How do schools shape neighbourhoods? Endogenous residential location in response to local school quality

Greaves, E. (2022) 2022 EffEE Conference on Econometric Evaluation of School Reforms, ifo Institute, Munich, 21 May 2022 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 2000809

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50 years on: linking 2021 Census data to the ONS Longitudinal Study

Duke-Williams, O. & Newman, J. (2022) 50 years of census research: virtual roundtable, 15 Nov 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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How do schools shape neighbourhoods? Endogenous residential location in response to local school quality

Greaves, E. (2022) Bristol Workshop on Education Markets, University of Bristol, 7 June 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2000809

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The lifelong health and wellbeing trajectories of people who have been in care

Sacker, A. & Murray, E. T. (2022) UK Ireland INTRAC seminar, 9 February 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008925

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The lifelong health and wellbeing trajectories of people who have been in care

Sacker, A. (2022) Child Welfare Inequalities Network Seminar, 22 Sept 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008925

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Location decisions in response to school quality over the life-cycle

Greaves, E. (2022) University of Sheffield, 16 Feb 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2000809

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How do schools shape neighbourhoods? Endogenous residential location in response to local school quality

Greaves, E. (2022) workshop on school choice, Bristol University, 17 June 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2000809

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Location decisions in response to school quality over the life-cycle

Greaves, E. (2022) Queen's University Belfast, 25 Apr 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2000809

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Intergenerational homeownership mobility and ethnicity in England and Wales

Buscha, F., Gorman, E. & Sturgis, P., & Zhang, M. (2022) Westminster Economics Research Seminar, virtual, 13 Jan 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1014420

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Social gradients in cancer incidence and mortality in the UK Longitudinal Study

Hiatt, R. (2022) Hybrid EPH Seminar Series, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, UCL, 23 May 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1000187

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How do schools shape neighbourhoods? Endogenous residential location in response to local school quality

Greaves, E. (2022) IWAEE (International Workshop on Applied Economics of Education), Catanzaro, Italy, 20 June 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2000809

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The Health of Older People in Places project: an asset for social and economic improvement for all

Murray, E. T., Shelton, N, Norman, P. & Head, J. (2022) UCL, London, 26 Jan 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2000166

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Intergenerational homeownership mobility and ethnicity in England and Wales

Buscha, F., Gorman, E. & Sturgis, P., and Zhang, M. (2022) RC28 Conference, LSE, Apr 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1014420

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Alternative margins of adjustment to trade shocks

Levell, P., with Irastorza-Fadrique, A. & Parey, M. (2022) Econometrics/Applied Microeconomics Seminar, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, 23 May 2022 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 1007544

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Cancer incidence and survival amongst Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and their descendants in England and Wales

Harrison, J. (2022) Collaborative Research and Innovation Symposium, NHS Fife and University of St Andrews, 26 Oct 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2001557

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The Health of Older People in Places (HOPE) project

Murray, E. T., Shelton, N, Norman, P. & Head, J. (2022) UKCenLS webinar, 10 Jan 2022 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 2000166

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Alternative margins of adjustment to trade shocks: Self-employment, delayed retirement, and added worker effects

Irastorza-Fadrique, A., with Levell, P. & Parey, M. (2022) 5th IZA Workshop on Gender and Family Economics, online, 1 June 2022 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 1007544

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Improving methods for fertility forecasting through the incorporation of parity information

Ellison, J., Berrington, A., Bijak, J. & Dodd, E. (2022) Department seminar, University of Southampton, Sept 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2000911

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Educational patterns of childlessness and family size in the United Kingdom

Kuang, B., Christison, S., Ellison, J., Berrington, A. & Kulu, H. (2022) Family Demography seminar series, University of Southampton, 16 Dec 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2000911

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Health and place: How levelling up in health can improve labour market participation of older workers

Murray, E. T., Shelton, N, Head, J., Norman, P., Bingham, D. & Beach, B. (2022) Launch of final report by ILC-UK, for project funder, Health Foundation, London, 19 Oct 2022, [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 2000166

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Alternative margins of adjustment to trade shocks: Self-employment, delayed retirement, and added worker effects

Irastorza-Fadrique, A., with Levell, P. & Parey, M. (2022) 10th Warwick PhD Conference, University of Warwick, 8-9 June 2022 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 1007544

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Educational patterns of childlessness and family size in the United Kingdom

Kuang, B., Christison, S., Ellison, J., Berrington, A., Kulu, H. (2022) Family Demography seminar series, University of Southampton [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2000911

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Alternative margins of adjustment to trade shocks: Self-employment, delayed retirement, and added worker effects

Irastorza-Fadrique, A., with Levell, P. & Parey, M. (2022) Institute for Fiscal Studies, 20 June 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1007544

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Fertility trends by birth order in Britain: the comparison between England and Wales, and Scotland

Kulu, H., Kuang, B., Berrington, A., Christison, S., Ellison, J. (2022) Scottish Government meeting workshop on Attitudes to Family Formation in Scotland, Edinburgh 28 Nov 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2000911

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Differences between men and women in the impacts of cycling investment in England: a natural experimental study using linked individual Census data

Patterson, R. (2022) departmental research seminar, Cambridge University, 17 June 2022

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Alternative margins of adjustment to trade shocks: Self-employment, delayed retirement, and added worker effects

Irastorza-Fadrique, A., with Levell, P. & Parey, M. (2022) Internal faculty seminar, University of Essex, 24 March 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1007544

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The lifelong health and wellbeing trajectories of people who have been in care

Sacker, A. (2022) Child Welfare Inequalities Network Seminar, 22 Sept 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008925

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Welcome and Introduction

Shelton, N. (2021) CeLSIUS: ONS Longitudinal Study training event, online, 13 Sept 2021 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0300411

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The Looked after Children Grown up Project (LACGro)

Murray, E. & Sacker, A. (2021) Office for National Statistics Data Capability Talk, 11 May 2021 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008925

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Measuring the health of people in places: a scoping review of OECD member countries

Murray, E. T., Shelton, N., Head, J. & Norman, P. (2021) Presentation to Health Foundation Advisory Committee, London, 10 May 2021 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2000166

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Selective schooling and social mobility in England

Buscha, F., Gorman, E. & Sturgis, P. (2021) Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities (CEPEO) seminar series, virtual, 16 Sept 2021 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1014420

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What research can I do?

Stockton, J. (2021) CeLSIUS: ONS Longitudinal Study training event, online, 13 Sept 2021 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0300411

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Spatial & social mobility in England & Wales

Buscha, F., Gorman, E. & Sturgis, P. (2021) Spatial Analysis Network Webinar Series, Sheffield University, virtual, 19 Nov 2021

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Labour market changes as wider determinants of health

Curtis, S., Norman, P., Cookson, R., Cherrie, M. & Pearce, J. (2021) Work, Health and Wellbeing, Wolfson Health Research Institute, Durham University, Nov 2021 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301155

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The British Association of Social Workers: Round table discussion webinar to inform their contribution to the ADR England’s new Children and Young People Representative Panel

Sacker, A. (2021) 9 Sept 2021 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008925

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Age, sex, period, place and socioeconomic differentials in co-morbidity at time of death in England & Wales: what can be learned from multiple cause of death data?

Grundy, E. & Stuchbury, R. (2021) Virtual seminar presentation to Centre for Population Change, St Andrew’s University, 29 Apr 2021 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300770

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Evidence for change: Understanding the lifelong health and well-being trajectories of people who have been in care – round table webinar

Nuffield Foundation, featuring Diamond, I., Murray, E., Langer, V., Sacker, A., MacAlister, J. & Schoon, I. (2021) 13 July 2021 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008925

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Measuring the health of people in places: a scoping review of OECD member countries

Murray, E. T., Shelton, N., Head, J. & Norman, P. (2021) Health Foundation Advisory Committee meeting, London, 1 July 2021 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2000166

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Looked-after children grown up

Murray, E. T., Sacker, A. (2021) Data Capability Talks, Office for National Statistics, 11 May 2021

Available online: Link
Output from project: 1008925

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Moving on up? How social origins shape geographical mobility within higher professional and managerial occupations

Hecht, K. & McArthur, D. (2021) ASA 116th Virtual Annual Meeting, 8 August 2021 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1013211

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Practical 2: Applying to use the ONS LS and becoming an ONS accredited researcher

Duke-Williams, O. (2021) CeLSIUS: ONS Longitudinal Study training event, online, 13 Sept 2021 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0300411

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The intergenerational impact of gestational exposure to the NHS

Jeffrey, G. (2021) LSE Historical Demography Workshop, LSE, 18 June 2021 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1013430

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What research can I do?

Pikhartova, J. (2021) CeLSIUS: ONS Longitudinal Study training event, online, 13 Sept 2021 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0300411

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New findings from the Looked After Children Grown Up (LACGro) project

Sacker, A., Lacey, R. E., Maughan, B. & Murray, E. T. (2021) DfE CSC Evidence and Analysis Seminar, DfE Children’s Social Care Analysis and Research Group, London, 17 Sept 2021 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008925

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The looked after children grown up study: Socioeconomic outcomes after being cared for in an institutional or family setting

Sacker, A. (2021) International Centre for Lifecourse Studies in Society and Health Quarterly Scientific Meeting, online, 21 Jan 2021 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008925

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The intergenerational impact of gestational exposure to the NHS

Genevieve Jeffrey, G. (2021) (2021) The Health Economists’ Study Group Summer 2021 Meeting Online by the Cambridge Research Methods Hub, University of Cambridge 30 June - 2 July 2021 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1013430

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How do I get to use it?

Sizer, A. (2021) CeLSIUS: ONS Longitudinal Study training event, online, 13 Sept 2021 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0300411

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The Looked After Children Grown Up (LACGro) project

Sacker, A. (2021) Rees Centre Public Seminar Series, University of Oxford, 13 Oct 2021 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008925

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School absenteeism and academic achievement: is missing out on school more detrimental to students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds

Klein, M. (2021) Invited talk at the School of Education at the University of Glasgow, [SLS]

Download output document: Presentation (448 KB PDF)
Output from project: 2018_007

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The long run intergenerational impact of gestational exposure to the introduction of the NHS in the UK

Jeffrey, G. (2021) Departmental seminar, LSE, 19 May 2021 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1013430

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Shelton, N. & Xun, W. (2021) CeLSIUS: ONS Longitudinal Study training event, online, 13 Sept 2021 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0300411

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The Looked After Children Grown Up (LACGro) project

Sacker, A. & Murray, E. (2021) LAC & Care Leavers Week, 7 Dec 2021 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008925

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Two decades of fertility fluctuation in Great Britain

Kulu, H., Kuang, B. & Berrington, A. M. (2021) University of Southampton, Southampton, 1 Nov 2021 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2000911

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The long run intergenerational impact of gestational exposure to the introduction of the NHS in the UK

Jeffrey, G. (2021) ASPEC Conference, 8 June 2021 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1013430

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Pulling Away? A Social Analysis of Economic ‘Elites’ in the UK, research report launch and podcast

Hecht, K., McArthur, D., Savage, M. & Friedman, S. (2020) 22 January 2020. International Inequalities Institute at LSE [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 1013211

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Spatial and social mobility in England and Wales: moving out to move on?

Buscha, F., Gorman, G. & Sturgis, P. (2020) Higher Education and Social Inequality Research Group, Durham University, 27 Oct 2020 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1014420

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The Persistence of gestational and childhood inequalities across generations

Jeffrey, G., De Cao, E. & McGuire, A. (2020) Department of Health Policy at the LSE, Sept 2020 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1013430

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Introducing our data: The ONS Longitudinal Study

Shelton, N. (2020) HOPE launch event, lONDON, 6 Nov 2020 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 2000166

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The looked after children grown up study: Adult outcomes after being cared for in an institutional or family setting

Sacker, A. (2020) CoramBAAF Annual Health Conference: A New Decade, Challenges and Opportunities, online, 26 Nov 2020 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008925

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Education in the long run – which data are available?

Xun, W. (2019) 2 Apr 2019 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0301616

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What can we do with millions of records?

Duke-Williams, O. (2019) Free UK Genealogy annual meeting 28 Sept 2019 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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Long-run health and mortality effects of exposure to universal health care at birth

Luhrmann, M. & Wilson, T. (2019) The Health Foundation, London, 17 Jan 2019 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1002047

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An update on ONS’s plans to transform the population and migration statistics system

Tinsley, B., Briggs, B. & Duke-Williams, O. (2019) 7 Mar 2019 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0300411

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Long-run health and mortality effects of exposure to universal health care at birth

Luhrmann, M. & Wilson, T. (2019) University of Bristol, Bristol, 30 Apr 2019 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1002047

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The Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study

Sizer, A. (2019) (2019) An introduction to using the UK Census Longitudinal Studies (UKcenLS), UCL, London, 6 Nov 2019. [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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Long-run health and mortality effects of exposure to universal health care at birth

Luhrmann, M. & Wilson, T. (2019) University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany, 10 May 2019 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1002047

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7-Up, social mobility and university

Sizer, A. & Shelton, N. (2019) ESRC Festival of Social Science event, Ullswater Community College, Penrith, UK, 8 Nov 2019 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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Early exit from the labour market in areas of high unemployment

Murray, E. (2019) Stronger Towns: what can the census tell us? CeLSIUS, UCL, London, 19 July 2019 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0410082

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Welsh language data in the ONS LS

Shelton, N. (2019) Five-minute talk at the UK Census Longitudinal Studies Conference, QUB, Belfast, 8 – 9 April 2019 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0300411

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Left-behind places: Where are they, who stays and who leaves?

Champion, T. & Duke-Williams, O. (2019) tronger Towns: what can the census tell us?, CeLSIUS, UCL, London, 19 July 2019 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0300411

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Housing: Are issues of access and affordability in the housing market increasing intergenerational inequalities?

Coulter, R. (2019) Stronger Towns: what can the census tell us?, CeLSIUS, UCL, London, 19 July 2019 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0301731

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The looked-after children grown up project

Sacker, A. & Murray, E. (2019) Department for Education Children’s Social Care Evidence and Analysis Seminar, London, 2 Oct 2019 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008925

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The looked-after children grown up project: Early findings on health and social outcomes in adulthood

Sacker, A. (2019) Thomas Coram Research Unit seminar, UCL, London, 19 Nov 2019 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008925

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The Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study & CeLSIUS – Introduction

Pikhartova, J. (2019) ESRC International Centre For Lifecourse Studies in Society and Health (ICLS) UCL, London, 27 March 2019 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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Intergenerational mobility in England and Wales: New evidence from linked census data

Bell, B., Blundell, J. & Machin, S. (2019) Seminar on Access and Widening Participation, UCL, London, 30 July 2019 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008709

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7-Up in the ONS Longitudinal Study

Sizer, A. (2019) The UK Census Longitudinal Studies Conference, Belfast, 8 – 9 Apr 2019 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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The unintended consequences of quantifying quality: Does ranking school performance shape the geographical concentration of advantage?

McArthur, D. & Reeves, A. (2019) CASE Social Exclusion Seminars, LSE, London, 27 Mar 2019 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 1011453

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The unintended consequences of quantifying quality: Does ranking school performance shape the geographical concentration of advantage?

McArthur, D. & Reeves, A. (2019) Dept of Social Policy and Intervention, Oxford University, 4 June 2019 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1011453

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What can the ONS Longitudinal Study tell us about time travel and about the Force?

Duke-Williams, O. (2019) Invited presentation at Microsoft (SwiftKey group), London, 26 Feb 2019 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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Inside the Box: Ethnic choice and ethnic change for mixed people in the UK, methods presentation on PhD

Mok, T.M. (2019) Auckland University Social Science Methodology Centre (COMPASS) Seminar Series, Auckland, New Zealand 6 August 2019 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1000892

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UCL Lunch Hour Lecture: What can the ONS Longitudinal Study tell us about time travel & about the Force?

Duke-Williams, O. (2018) UCL, London, 27 Nov 2018 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 1007286

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The impact of job polarisation on occupational mobility

Velthuis, S. (2018) A Showcase of Student Research Using the ONS Longitudinal Study (LS) and Census Microdata (aka Samples of Anonymised Records/SARs) with a Spotlight on Longitudinal Research Infrastructure in the United States, UCL, London, 28 March 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008228

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Long-run health and mortality effects of exposure to universal health care at birth

Luhrmann, M. & Wilson, T. (2018) Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, 30 Oct 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1002047

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Are health inequalities in relation to area deprivation the same at different ages?

Norman, P. (2018) Inequalities Research Network – Workshop Four: Life Course Dynamics, Health inequalities and Accumulations of Dis/advantage, University of Leeds Centre for Spatial Analysis & Policy, Leeds, 13 Dec 2018 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0300332

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Equality, religion and mortality in Scotland and Northern Ireland: the SLS on tour

Wright, D. (2018) Celebrating 10 years of Research Projects at the SLS, New Register House, Edinburgh, 7 Dec 2018 [SLS][NILS]

Output from project: 2011_005 (SLS), 071 (NILS)

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Long-run health and mortality effects of exposure to universal health care at birth

Luhrmann, M. & Wilson, T. (2018) University of Strathclyde, 10 Oct 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1002047

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The causal effect of education on cancer risk and survival in England and Wales

Potente, C. (2018) Department of Sociology, University of Zurich, 20 Nov 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1007948

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Introduction to handling large datasets in R: a dive into internal migration data

CeLSIUS Team (2018) BSPS Annual Conference, Winchester, 12 Sept 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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Using the LS to investigate mortality among immigrants and their descendants in England and Wales

Wallace, M. (2018) A Showcase of Student Research Using the ONS Longitudinal Study (LS) and Census Microdata (aka Samples of Anonymised Records/SARs) with a Spotlight on Longitudinal Research Infrastructure in the United States CeLSIUS, UCL, London, 28 Mar 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301579

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Long-run health and mortality effects of exposure to universal health care at birth

Luhrmann, M. & Wilson, T. (2018) University of Glasgow - Inequalities and Health Workshop, Glasgow, 4 - 5 June, 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1002047

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An introduction to analysing Longitudinal Study data using the SYLLS Synthetic Spine Dataset and R

Dennett, A. (2018) A Showcase of Student Research Using the ONS Longitudinal Study (LS) and Census Microdata (aka Samples of Anonymised Records/SARs) with a Spotlight on Longitudinal Research Infrastructure in the United States, UCL, London, 28 Mar, 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 30158

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Selection effects and health inequalities

Darlington-Pollock, F. & Norman, P. (2018) University of Groningen departmental seminar, Groningen, Netherlands, 13 Nov 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301634

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Long-run health and mortality effects of exposure to universal health care at birth

Luhrmann, M. & Wilson, T. (2018) University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 Apr, 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1002047

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Why go to university?

Shelton, N. (2018) Presentation given at The Oldershaw Academy, Wallasey, Merseyside, 3 Oct 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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The causal effect of education on cancer risk and survival in England and Wales

Potente, C. (2018) European Population Conference, Brussels, 9 June 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1007948

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Forests, health and inequalities in Scotland: a longitudinal approach

Thomson, J (2018) University of Edinburgh – Research in Geography & the Lived Environment (RIGLE) Seminar Series University of Edinburgh 8th November 2018 [SLS]

Download output document: PPt RIGLE seminar part 1
Output from project: 2015_013

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How to use the census microdata with Nesstar and how to apply to use the LS

Duke-Williams, O. (2018) A Showcase of Student Research Using the ONS Longitudinal Study (LS) and Census Microdata (aka Samples of Anonymised Records/SARs) with a Spotlight on Longitudinal Research Infrastructure in the United States, UCL, London, 28 Mar 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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Using census microdata to explore ethnic inequalities in health

Darlington-Pollock, F. (2018) A Showcase of Student Research Using the ONS Longitudinal Study (LS) and Census Microdata (aka Samples of Anonymised Records/SARs) with a Spotlight on Longitudinal Research Infrastructure in the United States CeLSIUS, UCL, London, 28 Mar 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301634

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Long-run health and mortality effects of exposure to universal health care at birth

Luhrmann, M. & Wilson, T. (2018) University College Dublin, 10 Apr, 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1002047

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UCL Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care Film Club panel discussant following screening of ‘Made in Dagenham’

Shelton, N. (2018) 15 May 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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Introduction to the LS and census microdata

Duke-Williams, O. (2018) A Showcase of Student Research Using the ONS Longitudinal Study (LS) and Census Microdata (aka Samples of Anonymised Records/SARs) with a Spotlight on Longitudinal Research Infrastructure in the United States, UCL, London, 28 Mar 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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People’s trajectories through deprivation space: associations with health

Norman, P. (2018) NHS@70: Exploring geographies of health and healthcare (RGS-IBG YNE), London, 6 Nov 2018, [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0301634

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Long-run health and mortality effects of exposure to universal health care at birth

Luhrmann, M. & Wilson, T. (2018) Cabinet Office, London, 3 Apr, 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1002047

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Marital age gaps and educational homogamy; evidence from a compulsory schooling reform in the UK

Wilson, T. (2018) A showcase of student research using the ONS Longitudinal Study (LS) and Census Microdata (aka Samples of Anonymised Records/SARs) with a spotlight on longitudinal research infrastructure in the United States, UCL, London, 28 Mar 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301533

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Room at the Top or the Cutting Room Floor? Social mobility in cultural and creative occupations

Brook, O., O’Brien, D., Taylor, M. & Wielgoszewska, B. (2018) Edinburgh Q-Step Centre Research Seminar, Edinburgh University, Feb 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008121

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The ONS Longitudinal Study

Duke-Williams, O. (2018) Making the most of Census microdata: an introductory workshop, Manchester, UK, 21 Nov 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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Long-run health and mortality effects of exposure to universal health care at birth

Luhrmann, M. & Wilson, T. (2018) Census & Administrative Data Longitudinal Studies Hub, St Andrews, 23 Mar, 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1002047

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Room at the Top or the Cutting Room Floor? Social mobility in cultural and creative occupations

Brook, O., O’Brien, D., Taylor, M. & Wielgoszewska, B. (2018) Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association Conference, London, Jan 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008121

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What can the ONS Longitudinal Study tell us about time travel and about the Force?

Duke-Williams, O. (2018) UCL Lunch Hour Lecture, UCL, London, 27 Nov 2018 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0300411

View details...

Austerity and housing inequalities in young adulthood

Coulter, R., Bayrakdar, S. & Berrington A. (2018) RGS-IBG pre-conference workshop on austerity politics and the changing landscapes of inequality, Cardiff, 28 Aug 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301731

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Long-run health and mortality effects of exposure to universal health care at birth

Luhrmann, M. & Wilson, T. (2018) University of Sheffield, 14 Feb, 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1002047

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The changing geography of intergenerational mobility: CEP Discussion Papers (CEPDP1591)

Bell, B., B., Blundell, J. & Machin, S. (2018) Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science, 19 March 2018 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 1008709

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Long-run health and mortality effects of exposure to universal health care at birth

Luhrmann, M. & Wilson, T. (2018) National Institute of Economic and Social Research, London, 8 Feb, 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1002047

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Mind the gap: explaining the London Effect through housing policy

Blundell, J. (2018) A Showcase of Student Research Using the ONS Longitudinal Study (LS) and Census Microdata (aka Samples of Anonymised Records/SARs) with a Spotlight on Longitudinal Research Infrastructure in the United States, UCL, London, 28 March 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008709

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Internal migration in Scotland, end of project event

McCollum, D. (2017) Internal migration in Scotland, end of project event, Ladywell House, Edinburgh, UK, 4 Oct 2017 [SLS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PPT 4MB)
Output from project: 2016_003

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The role of geographical mobility in intergenerational social mobility: Linkage of the Scottish Longitudinal Study and Scottish Mental Survey 1947 data

Forrest, L. (2017) Celebrating 10 years of Research Projects at the SLS, New Register House, Edinburgh, 7 Dec 2017 [SLS]

Output from project: 2015_003

View details...

Long-run health and mortality effects of exposure to universal health care at birth

Luhrmann, M. & Wilson, T. (2017) Royal Holloway University of London, London, 5 Dec, 2017 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1002047

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An introduction to the UK Census-based Longitudinal Studies

Cox, F.M. (2017) CALLS-Hub Webinar, 'Using the UK Longitudinal Studies for research on internal migration', 15 Nov 2017 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 2MB)

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Administrative health data linked to the SLS, the potential opportunities for migration research

McCollum, D. (2017) Celebrating 10 years of Research Projects at the SLS, New Register House, Edinburgh, 7 Dec 2017 [SLS]

Output from project: 2015_005

View details...

Long-run health and mortality effects of exposure to universal health care at birth

Luhrmann, M. & Wilson, T. (2017) NGE Seminar, Stuttgart & Tübingen, Germany, 28 Nov, 2018 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1002047

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The Best of the Best? Educational Selectivity and Remigration

Ichou, M. (2017) Internal seminar, French National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED), Paris, France, February 2017 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301766

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‘Minute madness’ talk on the ONS Longitudinal Study

Stuchbury, R. (2017) Data Galore: Getting Access and Ethics Right!, UCL eResearch Domain, the FARR Institute, London, 10 Apr 2017 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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Migration, occupational mobility, and regional escalators in Scotland

van Ham, M., Findlay, A., Manley, D. & Feijten, P. (2017) CALLS Hub Webinar, 'Using the UK Longitudinal Studies for research on internal migration', 15 Dec 2017 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 610KB)
Output from project: 2007_005

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Introducing the ONS Longitudinal Study (ONS LS)

Duke-Williams, O. (2017) Celebrating 10 years of Research Projects at the SLS, Edinburgh, 7 Dec 2019 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

View details...

The role of social class background in ethnic minorities’ educational and labour market outcomes in England and Wales: revisiting the ethnic penalty

Zuccotti, C.V. & Platt, L. (2017) QSS Seminar, UCL, London, 22 February 2017 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010030

View details...

Moving through the life course: inter-regional migration in England and Wales from 1971 to 2011

Stuchbury, R. (2017) Regional Science Association International, British and Irish Section Annual Conference, Harrogate, Aug 2017 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

View details...

The changing propensity to move home in England and Wales, 1971-2011: A micro-level analysis

Shuttleworth, I., Champion, T. & Cooke, T. (2017) CALLS-Hub Webinar, 'Using the UK Longitudinal Studies for research on internal migration', 15 Dec 2017 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 645KB)
Output from project: 04010063

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Varying mental health in the population across Scotland during the recent recession: Combining SLS data and other sources

Curtis, S. (2017) Celebrating 10 years of Research Projects at the SLS, New Register House, Edinburgh, 7 Dec 2017 [SLS]

Output from project: 2015_015

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Long-term patterns in commuting

Duke-Williams, O. (2017) Census Research User Conference, Royal Statistical Society, London, 22 Jun, 2017 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1001802

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Does internal migration in Northern Ireland increase religious & social segregation? Perspectives from the NILS: 2001-2007

Gould, M., Shuttleworth, I. & Barr, P. (2017) CALLS Hub Webinar, 'Using the UK Longitudinal Studies for research on internal migration', 15 Dec 2017 [NILS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 1KB)
Output from project: 020

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The causal effect of education on cancer risk and survival in England and Wales

Potente, C. (2017) Department of Sociology, University of Oxford, 30 Nov 2017 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1007948

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Declining internal migration in an era of mobilities? An analysis using data linked to the Scottish Longitudinal Study

McCollum, D. (2017) Geography Research Seminar, Queen's University Belfast, 5 Dec 2017 [SLS]

Output from project: 2016_003

View details...

Do scarring effects vary by ethnicity and gender? A study in England and Wales

Zuccotti, C.V. and O'Reilly, J. (2017) 25th Annual Workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth (TIY), Brussels, Belgium, 13 -16 Sept, 2017 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1001525

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An introduction to the Census and Administrative data LongitudinaL Studies Hub (CALLS Hub)

Cox, F.M. (2017) Celebrating 10 years of research projects at the SLS, New Register House, Edinburgh. 7 Dec 2017 [CALLS]

Download output document: Presentation Slides (PDF 7MB)

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An introduction to the UK Census-based Longitudinal Studies

Cox, F.M. (2017) UK Data Service/CALLS-Hub webinar, ‘Flexible individual-level data from the Census: Census micro data and longitudinal studies’, 3 May 2017 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Available online: Link

View details...

Introducing the Scottish Longitudinal Study (SLS)

Frost, R. (2017) Celebrating 10 years of Research Projects at the SLS, New Register House, Edinburgh, 7 Dec 2017 [SLS]

View details...

Social inequality in the creative economy

Brook, O., O’Brien, D., Taylor, M. & Wielgoszewska, B. (2017) Social Surveys and Social Statistics Research Group, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Stirling, 22 Nov 2017 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1008121

View details...

Are health inequalities in relation to area deprivation the same at different ages?

Norman, P. (2017) Inequalities Research Network Workshop Series 2017-18 – Researching Inequalities: Interdisciplinary Perspectives School of Social Policy, University of Leeds, 13 December 2017 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0300332

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Introducing the ONS Longitudinal Study (ONS LS)

Duke-Williams, O. (2017) Celebrating 10 years of Research Projects at the SLS, New Register House, Edinburgh, 7 Dec 2017 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

View details...

Not social mobility but deprivation mobility: places change their characteristics and people change their places

Norman, P. (2017) Seminar: Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford, November 2017 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0300332

View details...

Parental background and young adults’ housing

Coulter, R. (2017) Workshop on Young Adults’ Housing, London, 12 Sept 2016 [ONS LS]

View details...

Introducing Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS)

Shuttleworth, I. (2017) Celebrating 10 years of Research Projects at the SLS, New Register House, Edinburgh, 7 Dec 2017 [NILS]

View details...

Where is it? When is it? What is it like? What can we do with it?

Norman, P. (2017) BSPS/Leverhulme Trust seminar: A life course approach to neighbourhood effects UCL, London, 28 - 29 June 2017 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0300332

View details...

Patterns of residential mobility within Scotland using health admin data linked with the Scottish Longitudinal Study

McCollum, D. (2017) Folks’ comings and goings – changes in Scotland’s population over time (BSPS/NRS event), New Register House, Edinburgh, UK, 21 June 2017 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 2016_003

View details...

Population Ageing in Scotland

MacInnes, J. (2017) Celebrating 10 years of Research Projects at the SLS, New Register House, Edinburgh, 7 Dec 2017 [SLS]

Output from project: 2013_003

View details...

Inequalities in the time between stopping work and death: ONS longitudinal study

Murray, E. (2017) Society for Social Medicine, Manchester, UK; 6 Sept 2017 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0410082

View details...

Varying mental health in the population across Scotland during the recent recession: what do we know and what are the implications for public health policy?

Curtis, S. (2017) Public Health Information Network for Scotland (PHINS) 18th Seminar, Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, UK, 29 Sept 2017 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 2015_015

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Response of UK workers to past trade shocks

Levell, P. (2017) Institute for Fiscal Studies, Nov 2017 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1007544

View details...

Essays on the economics of migration and labour: Empirical evidence from the UK

Montresor, G. (2017) Research Seminar Series (RSS), Department of Economics, University of Essex [NILS]

Output from project: 1000198

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How the SLS has helped with the understanding of Scotland’s mortality excess

Popham, F. (2017) Celebrating 10 years of Research Projects at the SLS, New Register House, Edinburgh, 7 Dec 2017 [SLS]

Output from project: 2009_004

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Unequal impact of extended working lives policies

Murray, E. (2017) International Longevity Centre UK event: 'Overcoming inequalities: addressing barriers to extending working lives' London 5 Apr 2017 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0410082

View details...

Introduction to Census-based Longitudinal Studies

Findlay, A. (2016) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, Cardiff City Hall, Wales, 18 March 2016 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

View details...

Job polarization and labour supply changes in the UK

Montresor, G. (2016) 4th International TASKS Conference: Labour Market Adjustments to Digitization and the Future of Work, ZEW, Mannheim, 7 - 9 Sept 2016 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 1000198

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NEETs and long term health impacts in the ONS LS

Xun, W. (2016) Departmental seminar, UCL, London, 2 March 2016 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301616

View details...

What can we learn from the geography of health?

Shelton, N. (2016) UCL International Centre For Lifecourse Studies in Society and Health (ICLS) Research Seminar, London, 4 Jun 2016 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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Alcohol and over 50s currently in employment

Shelton, N. (2016) ILC-UK's Drink Wise Age Well Inquiry - alcohol and employment in the over 50s population event, House of Lords, London, 6 Nov 2016 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0410082

View details...

Data sources within the UK LSs

Duke-Williams, O. (2016) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, Cardiff City Hall, Wales, 18 March 2016 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Output from project: 0300411

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How are we making the LSs easier to use?

Carsley, S. (2016) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, Cardiff City Hall, Wales, 18 March 2016 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

View details...

New ways of exploring links between educational and developmental outcomes

Playford, C.J., Dibben, C., Williamson, L. and Huang, Z. (2016) Data Linkage Scotland Showcase 2016, 29 November 2016 [SLS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 1MB)
Output from project: 2011_001

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Utility Measures for Synthetic Data

Raab, G. (2016) Data Linkage and Anonymisation, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, 3 November 2016 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 2013_012 (SLS), 30158 (ONS LS), 079 (NILS)

View details...

An introduction to the Longitudinal Studies for health researchers

Marshall, A. (2016) CALLS-Hub webinar, 13 December 2016 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0300411

View details...

Celebrating 15 years of CeLSIUS – a personal tribute based on three projects

Champion, T. (2016) Anniversary Seminar Celebrating 15 Years of CeLSIUS, Mary Ward House, London, 9 June 2016 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0410063

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Social care among older people in the UK: patterns and implications for policy

Vlachantoni, A., Robards, J., Evandrou, M. & Falkingham, J. (2016) Conversations on Care Seminar Series, University of Oxford, 14 November 2016 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PPT 965KB)
Output from project: 04010074

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The Nurses’ Lives Research Programme: enabling practice through new insights to population health using routine data about nurses

Atherton, I. & Kyle, R. (2016) Centre for Population Change (CPC) seminar, Ladywell House, Edinburgh, UK, 25 February 2016 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 2014_003

View details...

An exploration of educational outcomes for children with disabilities

Cox, F. & Marshall, A. (2016) CALLS Hub webinar. 13 December 2016 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 2015_010

View details...

Migration and housing: Uncertainty in projecting trends and spatial patterns

Champion, T. (2016) TWRI Policy & Research Conference: ‘Future housing needs and how best to meet them?’, York, 4 Nov 2016 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0410063

View details...

Investigating educational and developmental outcomes using linked administrative data

Playford, C. (2016) Farr Institute/ADRC-Scotland Opening Ceremony, Univ of Edinburgh, UK, 29 February 2016 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 774kB)
Output from project: 2011_001

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Informal caregiving and mental ill health – differential relationships by workload, gender, age and area-remoteness in Northern Ireland

Doebler, S. (2016) CALLS Hub webinar. 13 December 2016 [NILS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 082

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Longitudinal data in the England and Wales Census

Duke-Williams, O. (2016) DTRN (Doctoral Trainees Research Network), London, 22 Jan 2016 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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Where people live and work: The determinants

Champion, T. (2016) National Infrastructure Commission Workshop: ‘Where will people live and work?’, London, 16 Sept 2016 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0410063

View details...

The 20th century part of The Longitudinal Studies Centre Scotland and its use in health research

Dibben, C. (2016) European Historical Population Samples Network Working groups 5 & 6 Workshop "Modern Data & Health", Academy of Sciences, Copenhagen, Denmark, 17 - 18 October 2016 [SLS]

Available online: Link

View details...

Moving to move up? Disentangling the link between spatial and occupational mobility

McCollum, D. (2016) Centre for Population Change (CPC) seminar, Ladywell House, Edinburgh, UK, 30 June 2016 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 2015_005

View details...

Overall and cause-specific mortality differences by partnership status in 21st century England and Wales

Franke, S. (2016) CALLS-Hub webinar, 13 December 2016 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0301675

View details...

An Introduction to using the ONS LS supported by CeLSIUS and results from two ongoing projects, RenEWL: REsearch Network into Extended Working Lives and NEETS in the LS

Shelton, N. (2016) CLOSER Longitudinal Methodology Seminar Series, London May 2016 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

View details...

Pathways between socioeconomic disadvantage and growth in the Scottish Longitudinal Study, 1991-2001

Silverwood, R., Williamson, L., Grundy, E. & De Stavola, B. (2016) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, Cardiff City Hall, Wales, UK, 18 March 2016 [SLS]

Download output document: Full paper (PDF 4MB)
Output from project: 2013_008

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Data linkage of the 1947 Scottish Mental Survey with administrative data: Exploring the role of cognitive ability on social and spatial mobility, and subsequent health outcomes

Forrest, L. (2016) Cognitive ageing journal club, School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences, University of Edinburgh, UK, 7 November 2016 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 2015_003

View details...

Disentangling the link between spatial and occupational mobility in Scotland: A panel data analysis

McCollum, D. & Liu, Y. (2016) Presentation to DGSD Population & Health Research Cluster meeting, University of St Andrews, UK, 28 June 2016 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 2015_005

View details...

Exploring Ear’oles Education: An investigation of the school-level educational outcomes of ‘working class’ pupils in contemporary Scotland

Playford, C., Gayle, V., Connelly, R. & Murray, S. (2016) Social Stratification Research Seminar, University of Cambridge, UK, 8 - 9 September 2016 [SLS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PPT 2MB)
Output from project: 2014_005

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Developments since 2012 and future plans

Shelton, N. (2016) CeLSIUS 15th anniversary seminar event, Mary Ward House, London 9 Jun, 2016 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

View details...

Area deprivation across the life course and health: Challenges, value and the future

Murray, E. (2016) CLOSER workshop on Using Geographic Data in Longitudinal Studies, London, 22 Nov 2016 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0410082

View details...

Ethnic Differences in intra-generational social mobility

Karlsen, S. (2016) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, Cardiff City Hall, Wales, 18 March 2016 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301039

View details...

Disentangling the link between spatial and occupational mobility in Scotland: A panel data analysis

Liu, Y. & McCollum, D. (2016) Quantitative Methods Workshop, Dept of Geography & Sustainable Development, University of St Andrews, UK, 29 June 2016 [SLS]

Output from project: 2015_005

View details...

Introducing CeLSIUS and the ONS LS: comparability of linked census and birth cohorts in England and Wales

Shelton, N. (2016) London, Jun 2016 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

View details...

Are informal caregivers in Northern Ireland more likely to suffer from Anxiety and Depression?

Doebler, S. (2016) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, Cardiff City Hall, Wales, UK, 18 March 2016 [NILS]

Output from project: 082

View details...

Social differentiation in curriculum choices: an investigation based on the Scottish Longitudinal Study

Iannelli, C. (2016) Official Opening of the Farr Institute and ADRC-Scotland, Edinburgh, UK. 29 February 2016 [SLS]

Output from project: 2013_013

View details...

Synthetic data and better access

Dennett, A. (2016) NILS 10 Year Anniversary Event, Queens University Belfast, 5 December 2016 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 2013_012 (SLS), 30158 (ONS LS), 079 (NILS)

View details...

Introduction to census-based longitudinal studies

Shelton, N. (2016) Longitudinal Studies conference, Brasilia, 7 Mar 2016 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

View details...

Causal pathways between socioeconomic disadvantage and growth in the Scottish Longitudinal Study, 1991-2001

Silverwood, R. (2015) Departmental Research Meeting, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, 6 February 2015 [SLS]

Output from project: 2013_008

View details...

Data linkage in practice – Introducing the Scottish Longitudinal Study: from data sources, data governance to example projects of SLS in action

Williamson, L. & Feng, Z. (2015) Socitm Scotland 2015, Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh, 24 November 2015 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 2013_005

View details...

School subject choice and inequalities in higher education entry

Ianelli, C. & Klein, M. (2015) Knowledge Exchange event (policy & practictioners), Moray House School of Education, Edinburgh, 23 June 2015 [SLS]

Output from project: 2013_013

View details...

Intergenerational social mobility using the ONS Longitudinal Study

Sturgis, P. (2015) Royal Statistical Society, London, Feb 2015 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0410047

View details...

Inequalities in young adults’ access to home-ownership in Scotland: a widening gap?

Graham, E., Fiori, F. & Feng, Z. (2015) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, The Lighthouse, Glasgow, 28 October 2015 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 1MB)
Output from project: 2013_011

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NEETs project overview

Everington, D. (2015) SLS-DSU Research Meeting, Ladywell House, Edinburgh, 16 February 2015 [SLS]

Output from project: 2013_005

View details...

Understanding the impact of air pollution at the start of life: using geographic variation in air pollution, census and administrative data to measure air pollution’s impact on the unborn child

Dibben, C. (2015) Geography and Environment Dept Seminar, University of Southampton, UK, 9 December 2015 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 2007_011

View details...

Family background and young adults’ housing pathways

Coulter, R. (2015) Centre for Population Change/National Records of Scotland lunchtime seminar series, Edinburgh, 26 February 2015 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301731

View details...

School subject choice and inequalities in higher education entry

Iannelli, C. (2015) Presentation to members of the Scottish Government Directorate for Learning, Edinburgh, UK. 18 August 2015 [SLS]

Output from project: 2013_013

View details...

Intergenerational social mobility in the UK: grinding to a halt?

Sturgis, P. (2015) Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), University of Essex, Jan 2015 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0410047

View details...

Introduction to Census-based Longitudinal Studies

Findlay, A. (2015) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, The Lighthouse, Glasgow, 28 October 2015 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Available online: Link

View details...

Causal pathways between socioeconomic disadvantage and growth in the Scottish Longitudinal Study, 1991-2001

Silverwood, R., Williamson, L., Grundy, E. & De Stavola, B. (2015) NCRM Pathways & SLS-DSU workshop: 'Social disadvantage, child health and attainment: The potential of analyses of the UK census-based longitudinal studies', London, 31 March 2015 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 765KB)
Output from project: 2013_008

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The impact of household changes on residential mobility and housing adjustments at older ages in Scotland

Fiori, F. (2015) CPC Workshop on UK Population Change and Housing Across the Life Course, University of St Andrews, UK, 16 - 17 June 2015 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 1MB)
Output from project: 2013_011

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Parental background and young adults’ housing outcomes

Coulter, R. (2015) Centre for Population Change Workshop on Housing and the Life Course, University of St Andrews, UK, 16 - 17 June 2015 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 9MB)
Output from project: 0301731

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Declining social mobility? Evidence from five linked censuses 1971-2011

Sturgis, P. (2015) Department of Sociology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Dec 2015 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0410047

View details...

Data sources within the UK LSs

Shuttleworth, I. (2015) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, The Lighthouse, Glasgow, 28 October 2015 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Available online: Link

View details...

Mortality among immigrants and their descendants in England and Wales

Wallace, M. (2015) Liverpool, 11 - 12 June 2015 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0301579

View details...

Exploring Patterns of Subject Specific Performance in School Attainment in Scotland

Playford, C., Gayle, V., Connelly, R. & Murray, S. (2015) Employment Research Institute Seminar Series, Edinburgh Napier University, 17 September 2015 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 3MB)
Output from project: 2014_005

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Estimating the fertility of migrants before and after migration to England and Wales

Robards, J. (2015) ESRC Centre for Population Change Family Lunch Group, Southampton University, Southampton, 20 Jan 2015 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301060

View details...

Protective effects of nurses’ health literacy: evidence from the Scottish Longitudinal Study

Atherton, I., Dibben, C. & Kyle, R. (2015) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, Univ of Aberdeen, 26 October 2015 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 2014_003

View details...

Changing health gradients in England: how does internal migration and social mobility contribute?

Darlington, F., Norman, P. & Ballas, D. (2015) National Institute of Demographic and Economic Analysis Seminar, Hamilton, New Zealand, 5 March 2015 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301634

View details...

Changing processes and patterns of migration in the UK

Champion, T. (2015) Launch Event for the Centre for Spatial Demographics Research Centre, University of Liverpool, liverpool, 11 June 2015 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0410063

View details...

How are we making the LSs easier to use?

Dibben, C. (2015) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, The Lighthouse, Glasgow, 28 October 2015 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Available online: Link

View details...

How can I access the LS

Shelton, N. (2015) Department of Work and Pensions, London, 25 November 2015 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

View details...

How you get to use the LS

Marshall, C. & Xun, W. (2015) CeLSIUS' Introductory Training in the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Longitudinal Study (LS), UCL, London, 18 June [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

View details...

Parental socioeconomic influences on filial educational attainment – An investigation of Scottish young people and patterns of school level educational performance

Gayle, V., Playford, C., Connelly, R. & Murray, S. (2015) Social Stratification Research Seminar, University of Milan, Italy, 6 - 8 September 2015 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 3MB)
Output from project: 2014_005

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NEETs in Scotland: a longitudinal analysis of health effects of NEET experience

Feng, Z. (2015) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, Univ of Aberdeen, 26 October 2015 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 5MB)
Output from project: 2013_005

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How does internal migration and social mobility influence health gradients in England between 1991, 2001 and 2011? Evidence from the ONS Longitudinal Study

Darlington, F., Norman, P. & Ballas, D. (2015) Epidemiology & Biostatistics Special Lunchtime Seminar Series, School of Population Health, Auckland, New Zealand, 26 February 2015 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301634

View details...

Family size and educational attainment in England and Wales

Chan, T.W., Henderson, M. & Stuchbury, R. (2015) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, Engine Shed, Bristol, 10 November 2015 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 244KB)
Output from project: 0301702

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The ONS Longitudinal Study – 40 years old and going strong

Shelton, N. (2015) Joint Meeting of the Royal Statistical Society Social Statistics and Official Statistics Sections, 3 February 2015 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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The census, the sources that go into the LS and how it is structured

Marshall, C. & Xun, W. (2015) 18 June 2019. CeLSIUS' Introductory Training in the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Longitudinal Study (LS) UCL, London [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

View details...

Evaluating the impact of area regeneration programmes in Scotland: a mixed- methods approach

Archibald, D. (2015) iPower presentation, Dept of Geography & Sustainable Development, University of St Andrews, UK, 20 May 2015 [SLS]

Output from project: 2009_008

View details...

Population Ageing in Scotland: Implications for Healthcare Expenditure Projections

Geue, C. (2015) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, Univ of Aberdeen, 26 October 2015 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 312KB)
Output from project: 2009_011

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An Introduction to the Synthetic Longitudinal Studies

Dennett, A. (2015) Launch of the Welsh LS, Newport, Wales, 7 January 2015 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Output from project: 2013_012 (SLS), 30158 (ONS LS), 079 (NILS)

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Data sources within the UK LS’

Shelton, N. (2015) UK LS’ Roadshow, Glasgow, 28 October [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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Overall and Cause-specific Mortality differences by Partnership status in 21st Century England and Wales

Franke, S. (2015) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, Engine Shed, Bristol, 10 November 2015 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 645kB)
Output from project: 0301675

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Data sources within the UK LS’

Shelton, N. (2015) UK LS’ Roadshow, Aberdeen, 26 October [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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Geographies, risk factors and long-term effects of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) in Scotland

Everington, D., Feng, Z., Dibben, C. & Ralston, K (2015) Presentation at Scottish Government Assistant Statistician meeting, Edinburgh, 2 July 2015 [SLS]

Output from project: 2013_005

View details...

Longitudinal Studies and Impact

Findlay, A. (2015) Exploring Impact with the Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS), NISRA, Belfast, 15 October 2015 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 2MB)

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Introduction to Census-based Longitudinal Studies

Findlay, A. (2015) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, Univ of Aberdeen, 26 October 2015 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Available online: Link

View details...

Social disadvantage and infant mortality: the birth weight paradox revisited

De Stavola, B., Rhian, D., Silverwood, R., Stuchbury, R. & Grundy, E. (2015) NCRM Pathways & SLS-DSU workshop: 'Social disadvantage, child health and attainment: The potential of analyses of the UK census-based longitudinal studies', Wellcome Trust, London, UK, 31 March 2015 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 3MB)
Output from project: 0301445

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Ethnic differences in intragenerational social mobility between 1971 and 2011

Karlsen, S. (2015) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, Engine Shed, Bristol, 10 November 2015 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0301039

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The Health and Mental Health of Informal Caregivers in Rural and Urban Northern Ireland

Doebler, S. (2015) Northern Ireland Assembly Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series, 4 February 2015 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PPT 2MB)

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Data sources within the UK LSs

Shuttleworth, I. (2015) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, Univ of Aberdeen, 26 October 2015 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Available online: Link

View details...

Social disadvantage and infant mortality: the birth weight paradox revisited

De Stavola, B., Rhian, D., Silverwood, R., Stuchbury, R. & Grundy, E. (2015) NCRM Pathways & SLS-DSU Workshop & Training Event, Edinburgh, UK, 5 June 2015 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301445

View details...

Introducing the England and Wales Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study (ONS LS) and Scottish Longitudinal Study (SLS) for research use

Williamson, L. (2015) NCRM Pathways & SLS-DSU workshop: 'Social disadvantage, child health and attainment: The potential of analyses of the UK census-based longitudinal studies', London, 31 March 2015 [SLS][ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 4MB)
Output from project: 2013_008 (SLS), 0301445 (ONS LS)

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Introduction to Census-based Longitudinal Studies

Findlay, A. (2015) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, Engine Shed, Bristol, 10 November 2015 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Available online: Link

View details...

Using administrative data to understand mental health in Northern Ireland: Results from two exemplar projects

Maguire, A., McCann, M., Moriarty, J. & O'Reilly, D. (2015) Northern Ireland Assembly Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series, 4 February 2015 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PPT 5MB)
Output from project: 046 & 061

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How are we making the LSs easier to use?

Dibben, C. (2015) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, Univ of Aberdeen, 26 October 2015 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Available online: Link

View details...

Modelling standard grade attainment using the Scottish Longitudinal Study

Playford, C., Williamson, L. & Dibben, C. (2015) NCRM Pathways & SLS-DSU workshop: 'Social disadvantage, child health and attainment: The potential of analyses of the UK census-based longitudinal studies', London, 31 March 2015 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 2MB)
Output from project: 2011_001

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Data sources within the UK LSs

Shelton, N. (2015) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, Engine Shed, Bristol, 10 November 2015 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0300411

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Admission to care homes for older people

McCann, M. & O'Reilly, D. (2015) Northern Ireland Assembly Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series, 4 February 2015 [NILS]

Output from project: 007

View details...

Talk given at Demos Integration Hub Launch

Kaufmann, E. (2015) Demos Integration Hub Launch, London, 20 May 2015 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link

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How spatial segregation changes over time: sorting out the sorting processes

Bailey, N. (2015) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, The Lighthouse, Glasgow, 28 October 2015 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 285KB)
Output from project: 2007_015

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Modelling standard grade attainment using the Scottish Longitudinal Study

Playford, C., Williamson, L. & Dibben, C. (2015) NCRM Pathways & SLS-DSU workshop: 'Social disadvantage, child health and attainment: The potential of analyses of the UK census-based longitudinal studies', Edinburgh, 5 June 2015 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 3MB)
Output from project: 2011_001

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How are we making the LSs easier to use?

Dennett, A. (2015) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, Engine Shed, Bristol, 10 November 2015 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0300411

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Intergenerational social mobility in England and Wales

Sturgis, P. (2015) Nuffield College Oxford, Dec 2015 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0410047

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Using the Scottish Longitudinal Study to analyse social inequalities in school subject choice

Iannelli, C. (2015) CALLS Hub UK LS Roadshow, The Lighthouse, Glasgow, 28 October 2015 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 766KB)
Output from project: 2013_013

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Inter-cohort trends in intergenerational mobility in England and Wales: income, status, and class (InTIME)

Buscha, F. & Sturgis, P. (2014) UK LS 2011 Census Linkage Launch Event, Church House, Westminster, London, 6 March 2014 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Handout summary (PDF 87KB)
Output from project: 0401004

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Transport data in the ONS Longitudinal Study

Duke-Williams, O. (2014) Presentation given to the Association of Train Operating Companies, London 5 March 2014 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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Family size and educational attainment in England and Wales

Chan, T.W., Henderson, M. & Stuchbury, R. (2014) Department of Sociology Seminar, University of Oxford, 17 November 2014 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301702

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CALLS Hub: an overview

Cox, F. (2014) Dept of Geography & Geosciences Away Day, The Burn, Edzell, UK. 16 May 2014 [CALLS]

View details...

Synthetic data estimation for the UK longitudinal studies – SYLLS

Nowok, B., Raab, G. & Dibben, C. (2014) Scottish Longitudinal Study Census Linkage Launch Event, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 4 November 2014 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 862KB)
Output from project: 2013_012 (SLS), 30158 (ONS LS), 079 (NILS)

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London and the White British

Kaufmann, E. (2014) Centre for London, London, 18 September 2014 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010030

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Using the E&W Census Longitudinal Study (LS)

Xun, W. (2014) Health and Social Surveys Group Seminar Dept of Epidemiology & Public Health, University College London, UK. 2 May 2014

Output from project: 0300411

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The ADRC-S & Future Developments

Dibben, C. (2014) Scottish Longitudinal Study Census Linkage Launch Event, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 4 November 2014 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 2MB)

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Longitudinal data in the England and Wales Census, invited talk re Government Office of Science Foresight ‘Future of an ageing population’ project

Duke-Williams, O. (2014) Caxton House, London, 28 October [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

View details...

2011 Census Data Link to the LSs: The Potential for Policy and Influence

Shuttleworth, I. (2014) UK LS 2011 Census Linkage Launch Event, Church House, Westminster, London, 6 March 2014 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 1.8MB)

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CeLSIUS and the ONS LS

Duke-Williams, O. (2014) Government Economic Service and Government Social Research Service Conference, London, 19 September 2014 [ONS LS][CALLS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 2.7MB)
Output from project: 0300411

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Risk factors and consequences of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET): Phase two interim report, Report Scottish Government

Ralston, K., Everington, D., Dibben, C. & Feng, Z. (2014) Presentation to Scottish Government, Skills, Employability and Lifelong Learning Directorate, October 2014. [SLS]

Output from project: 2013_005

View details...

What is in a health geography?

Shelton, N. (2014) Centre for Population Change (CPC) seminar, University of Southampton, UK, 27 Feb 2014 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

View details...

Longitudinal data in the UK Censuses

Shelton, N., Shuttleworth, I., Dibben, C. & Cox, F. (2014) UK LS 2011 Census Linkage Launch Event London 6 Mar 2014 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

View details...

Does exogamy (mixed marriage by religion) increase the risk of marital dissolution in Northern Ireland?

Wright, D.M., Rosato, M. & O'Reilly, D. (2014) UK LS 2011 Census Linkage Launch Event, Church House, Westminster, London, UK, 6 March 2014 [NILS]

Download output document: Handout summary (PDF 107KB)
Output from project: 070

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Using synthetic data to improve the accessibility of the SLS

Carsley, S. (2014) Synthetic Data Workshop, ONS, Titchfield, 1 December 2014 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Output from project: 2013_012 (SLS), 30158 (ONS LS), 079 (NILS)

View details...

Excess mortality in Scotland and Glasgow compared with England and Manchester and Liverpool

Ralston, K., Feng, Z., Walsh, D. & Dibben, C. (2014) Social Stratification Research Seminar, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh [SLS]

Output from project: 2013_002

View details...

Generating synthetic microdata to widen access to sensitive data sets

Nowok, B., Raab, G. & Dibben, C. (2014) Scottish Government Assistant Statisticians Meeting – Quantitative methods, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, 26 June 2014 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Output from project: 2013_012 (SLS), 30158 (ONS LS), 079 (NILS)

View details...

Tackling Endogeneity in research designs: the case of white flight and opposition to immigration

Kaufmann, E. (2014) SSHP seminar, Birkbeck College, London, UK, 19 May 2014 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010030

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What is the health legacy of informal caring? A longitudinal study using nationally representative census data for England and Wales

Robards, J., Evandrou, M., Falkingham, J. & Vlachantoni, A. (2014) Census Research User Conference 2014, Royal Statistical Society, London, UK, 31 October 2014 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 04010074

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Using the ONS LS for research on ethnicity and social mobility

Platt, L. (2014) UK LS 2011 Census Linkage Launch Event, Church House, Westminster, London, UK, 6 March 2014 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 8MB)
Output from project: 30008

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Assessing the contributions of the workplace and employment history, the local area and individual health and social factors to extended working life: beta test project 2011 ONS LS data, results summary

Shelton, N., Head, J. & Stuchbury, R. (2014) Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, UCL, London, [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010082

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The R package synthpop for producing synthetic data

Nowok, B. (2014) Synthetic Data Workshop, ONS, Titchfield, 1 December 2014 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Output from project: 2013_012 (SLS), 30158 (ONS LS), 079 (NILS)

View details...

Understanding the impact of fertility history and associated outcomes in mid-life: a record linkage study in Scotland

Williamson, L., Dibben, C. & Huang, Z. (2014) Longitudinal Analysis of Historical Demographic Data Pre-conference Workshop Social Science History Association, University of Michigan, USA, 5 November 2014 [SLS]

Output from project: 2011_002

View details...

How to generate synthetic data using the ‘synthpop’ package

Nowok, B., Raab, G. & Dibben, C. (2014) Presentation to NILS-RSU & NISRA teams, NISRA, Belfast, 30 - 31 January 2014 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Output from project: 2013_012 (SLS), 30158 (ONS LS), 079 (NILS)

View details...

The Politics of Population Change

Kaufmann, E. (2014) St George's House, Windsor, London, UK, 12 - 13 March 2014 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010030

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Introduction to the UK LS & Census 2011 data linkage

Shelton, N. (2014) UK LS 2011 Census Linkage Launch Event, Church House, Westminster, London, 6 Mar 2014 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 2MB)
Output from project: 0300411

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Impacts of NEET experiences on social and health outcomes: an analysis using the Scottish Longitudinal Study

Ralston, K., Feng, Z., Raab, G. & Dibben, C. (2014) Social Stratification Research Group, Winter Seminar. Iris Murdoch Centre, University of Stirling, UK [SLS]

Output from project: 2013_005

View details...

Introduction and the 2011 Census Link

Carsley, S. (2014) Scottish Longitudinal Study Census Linkage Launch Event, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 4 November 2014 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 3MB)

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How to generate synthetic data using the ‘synthpop’ package

Nowok, B., Raab, G. & Dibben, C. (2014) Presentation to CeLSIUS team, UCL, London, 20 - 21 January 2014 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Output from project: 2013_012 (SLS), 30158 (ONS LS), 079 (NILS)

View details...

White Avoidance or Attraction?: why white British tend to leave diverse wards

Kaufmann, E. (2014) Ethnic Diversity, Population Change and ‘Integration’: Exploring the Evidence and Considering Future Research and Policy, Leverhulme Trust/University of Liverpool, Dept of Geography, 24 January 2014 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010030

View details...

Synthetic data estimation for the UK longitudinal studies (SYLLS)

Dennett, A. (2014) UK LS 2011 Census Linkage Launch Event, Church House, Westminster, London, UK, 6 March 2014 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 5MB)
Output from project: 30158

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Examining the occupational scarring of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) in 1991

Ralston, K., Everington, D. Feng, Z. & Dibben, C. (2014) Scottish Longitudinal Study Census Linkage Launch Event, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 4 November 2014 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 918KB)
Output from project: 2013_005

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Synthetic data estimation for the UK longitudinal studies

Dennett, A. (2014) ONS workshop: 'Synthetic data and associated disclosure risks', ONS, Titchfield, UK, 4 June 2014 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Output from project: 2013_012 (SLS), 30158 (ONS LS), 079 (NILS)

View details...

What becomes of the youths Not in Education, Employment or training (NEETs) in the E&W Longitudinal Study (LS)

Xun, W. (2014) Seminar, Insitituo De Saude Coletiva Da UFF, Brazil, 17 December 2014 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301616

View details...

Longitudinal data in the England and Wales Census, invited talk at meeting of the Government Office of Science Foresight ‘Future of an ageing population’ project

Duke-Williams, O. (2014) Caxton House, London 28 October [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

View details...

Are we becoming more migratory? An analysis of internal migration rates, 1971- 2011

Champion, T. & Shuttleworth, I. (2014) UK LS 2011 Census Linkage Launch Event, Church House, Westminster, London, 6 March 2014 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 234KB)
Output from project: 04010063

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Off the Waterfront: The long-run impact of technological change on dock workers

Upward, R. (2014) Presentation to Work and Pensions Economics Conference, Sheffield, UK, 28 July 2014 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301522

View details...

How to generate synthetic data using the ‘synthpop’ package

Raab, G. & Nowok, B. (2014) NILS-RSU, Belfast, 30 January 2014 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Output from project: 2013_012 (SLS), 30158 (ONS LS), 079 (NILS)

View details...

Stability and change in ethnic groups in Scotland

Feng, Z. & Dibben, C. (2014) Scottish Longitudinal Study Census Linkage Launch Event, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 4 November 2014 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 1MB)
Output from project: 2014_001

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Social and economic transitions and their effect on young people’s health and social wellbeing

McCann, M., Moriarty, J. & Maguire, A. (2014) UK LS 2011 Census Linkage Launch Event, Church House, Westminster, London, UK, 6 March 2014 [NILS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Handout summary (PDF 95KB)
Output from project: 069

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CeLSIUS – What we do

Xun, W. (2014) Longitudinal Champions Network meeting, ONS, Titchfield, 16 January 2014 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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Social Inequality and Avoidable Mortality in the U.K.

Pevalin, D. (2014) Melbourne School of Population and Global Health Seminar Series University of Melbourne, Australia 19 March 2014 [SLS][ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 2009_007 (SLS), 30098 (ONS LS)

View details...

Demographic Change in the Scottish Jewish Community 2001 – 2011

Raab, G., Borowski, E. & Frank, F. (2014) Scottish Longitudinal Study Census Linkage Launch Event, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 4 November 2014 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 820KB)
Output from project: 2014_002

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Dehongli canlyniadau Cyfrifiad 2011 am y Gymraeg [Interpreting the results of the 2011 Census on the Welsh language]

Jones, H. (2014) Public Research Seminar, School of Social Sciences, Bangor University, 26 November 2014 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 30165

View details...

Characteristics of and living arrangements amongst informal carers at the 2011 and 2001 censuses: stability, change and transition

Robards, J., Evandrou, M., Falkingham, J. & Vlachantoni, A. (2014) UK LS 2011 Census Linkage Launch Event, Church House, Westminster, London, 6 March 2014 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Handout summary (PDF 82KB)
Output from project: 04010074

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The ONS Longitudinal Study & Internet census completion: lessons for the future

Duke-Williams, O. (2014) ESRC Festival of Social Science, NISRA, Belfast, UK [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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New LS Developments and Official Announcement of CALLS Hub

Dibben, C. (2014) UK LS 2011 Census Linkage Launch Event. Church House, Westminster, London, UK, 6 March 2014 [CALLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 6.7MB)

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Understanding the impact of fertility history on health outcomes in later life

Williamson, L. & Dibben, C. (2014) Scottish Longitudinal Study Census Linkage Launch Event, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 4 November 2014 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 1MB)
Output from project: 2011_002

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Golwg ar ystadegau Cyfrifiad 2011 [A look at Census 2011 statistics]

Jones, H. (2014) Welsh Language Society Conference, 4 July 2104 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 30165

View details...

Characteristics of and living arrangements amongst informal carers at the 2011 and 2001 censuses: stability, change and transition – preliminary results from the ONS Longitudinal Study

Robards, J., Evandrou, M., Falkingham, J. & Vlachantoni, A. (2014) Longitudinal Champions Meeting, ONS, London, 16 January 2014 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010074

View details...

Does religious exogamy (mixed marriage) increase the risk of marital dissolution in Northern Ireland?

Wright, D.M., Rosato, M. & O'Reilly, D. (2014) UK LS 2011 Census Linkage Launch Event, Church House, Westminster, London, UK, 6 March 2014 [NILS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Handout summary (PDF 105KB)
Output from project: 070

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The impact of childhood residential mobility on mental health outcomes in adolescence and early adulthood: a record linkage study

Tseliou, F., O'Reilly, D., Maguire, A. & Donnelly, M. (2014) Centre of Excellence for Public Health, Queen’s University Belfast Away Day, 28 November 2014 [NILS]

Output from project: 085

View details...

Longitudinal data in the England and Wales Census

Duke-Williams, O. (2014) GES/GSR Conference, London, 19 September 2014 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

View details...

CALLS Hub: an overview

Cox, F. (2014) Dept of Geography & Geosciences, Population Health Group Away Day, St Michaels, Fife, UK. 9 May 2014 [CALLS]

View details...

CALLS Hub and the UK Context

Cox, F.M. (2014) Scottish Longitudinal Study Census Linkage Launch Event, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 4 November 2014 [CALLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 5MB)

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I ba le mae’r gwynt yn chwythu [Which way is the wind blowing]

Jones, H. (2014) Public Research Seminar, School of Welsh, Cardiff University, 14 October 2014 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 30165

View details...

New Perspectives on Population Ageing in Scotland

Spijker, J. & MacInnes, J. (2013) AQMeN Seminar, November 2013 [SLS]

Output from project: 2013_003

View details...

Contact or white flight?: why are whites in diverse English wards more tolerant of immigration?

Kaufmann, E. (2013) Cathie Marsh Centre, University of Manchester, 7 May 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0410030

View details...

White Flight and white nationalism in England: is there a connection?

Kaufmann, E. (2013) Chatham House, London, 13 June 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0410030

View details...

Assessing the contributions of the workplace and employment history, the local area and individual health and social factors from childhood and adulthood to extended working life

Shelton, N., Head, J., Stuchbury, R. & Stafford, M. (2013) ONS LS 2011 Census Data Linkage Beta Test Workshop, UCL, London, 18 April 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010082

View details...

Years Lived and Years Left: a New Perspective on Population Ageing in Scotland

Spijker, J., MacInnes, J. & Riffe T. (2013) Economic and Social Research Council Festival of Social Science 2013: New Perspectives on Population Ageing in Scotland, Edinburgh, 4 November 2013 [SLS]

Output from project: 2013_003

View details...

Counting the people – the past, the present and the future

Duke-Williams, O. (2013) Presentation to Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, UCL, London, 20 November 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

View details...

White flight and white nationalism in the UK: is there a connection?

Kaufmann, E. (2013) Immigration Studies Initiative, University of Texas at Austin, USA. 21 March 2013 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 3.4MB)
Output from project: 0410030

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White Flight from London?

Kaufmann, E. & Harris, G. (2013) National Institute for Economic and Social Research (NIESR), London, UK, 28 November 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010030

View details...

Mortality among immigrants living in England and Wales

Wallace, M. (2013) Popfest, Southampton, 8 - 10 July 2013 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0301579

View details...

Inter-cohort Trends in Intergenerational Mobility in England and Wales: income, status, and class (InTIME)

Buscha, F. & Sturgis, P. (2013) ONS LS 2011 Census Data Linkage Beta Test Workshop, UCL, London, 18 April 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0401004

View details...

Assessing the contributions of the workplace and employment history, the local area and individual health and social factors from childhood and adulthood to extended working life

Shelton, N., Head, J., Stuchbury, R. & Stafford, M. (2013) ONS LS 2011 Census Data Linkage Beta Test Workshop, UCL, London, 5 November 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010082

View details...

Characteristics of and living arrangements amongst informal carers at the 2011 and 2001 Censuses: stability, change and transition – preliminary results from the ONS Longitudinal Study

Evandrou, M., Robards, J., Falkingham, J. & Vlachantoni, A. (2013) ONS LS 2011 Census Data Linkage Beta Test Workshop, UCL, London, 5 November 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010074

View details...

Population and places through time: Grid Square Data and the NILS

Shuttleworth, I. (2013) NICVA Policy Vital Links Programme: Census Seminar, Belfast, UK, 11 February 2013 [NILS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PPT 1.7MB)

View details...

White flight and white nationalism in the UK: is there a connection?

Kaufmann, E. (2013) Demos symposium in partnership with Birkbeck College and ESRC, ‘Diversity and the White Working Class,’ Birkbeck College, London, 3 April 2013 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Full paper (PDF 3.1MB)
Output from project: 0410030

View details...

The Uses of Spatial and Longitudinal Data

Clemens, T. (2013) I-Power Seminar, Dept of Geography & Geosciences, University of St Andrews, UK. 20/11/2013 [SLS]

View details...

‘White Flight’ in London and the UK?

Kaufmann, E. & Harris, G. (2013) Demos 'Mapping Integration' meeting, London, UK, October 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010030

View details...

Inter-cohort Trends in Intergenerational Mobility in England and Wales: income, status, and class (InTIME)

Buscha, F. & Sturgis, P. (2013) ONS LS 2011 Census Data Linkage Beta Test Workshop, UCL, London, 5 November 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0401004

View details...

Welsh overview of the England and Wales Longitudinal Study

Shelton, N. (2013) WISERD seminar: 'Exploiting the Potential of Longitudinal Research Resources for Wales Programme', Cardiff University, Wales, UK. 7 May 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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White flight in England and Wales?: examining ward-Level mobility decisions in a longitudinal sample, 1991-2011

Kaufmann, E. (2013) Canadian Population Society, Victoria, BC, Canada, 6 June 2013 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 6.1MB)
Output from project: 04010030

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Ethnic Migration and Mobility in England and Wales to 2011

Catney, G., Kaufmann, E., Harris, G., Platt, L. & Zuccotti, C. (2013) ONS LS 2011 Census Data Linkage Beta Test Workshop, UCL, London, 18 April 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010030

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The ‘escalator region’ hypothesis two decades on: a review and critique

Champion, T. (2013) Centre for Population Change, Univeristy of Southampton, 2 May 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301124

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Introduction to the SLS

Dibben, C. (2013) CPC Data Workshop: Exploring synergies in data with a focus on fertility, the UK and Italy National Records of Scotland, Ladywell House, Edinburgh, UK 1 July 2014 [SLS]

Available online: Link

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Are we becoming more migratory? An analysis of internal migration rates, 1971-2011

Champion, T. & Shuttleworth, I. (2013) ONS LS 2011 Census Data Linkage Beta Test Workshop, UCL, London, 18 April 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010063

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What does the ONS Longitudinal Study tell us about the quality of the patient register data? And what does the NHS registration data tell us about the new census?

Smallwood, S. & Warren, J. (2013) ONS LS 2011 Census Data Linkage Beta Test Workshop, UCL, UK. 5 November 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 401010

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Are we becoming more migratory? An analysis of internal migration 1971-2011

Champion, T. & Shuttleworth, I. (2013) ONS LS 2011 Census Data Linkage Beta Test Workshop, UCL, UK, 5 November 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010063

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Synthetic Data Estimation for the UK Longitudinal Studies (SYLLS project): An introduction to the Multiple Imputation approach

Nowok, N. (2013) SLS-DSU seminar series National Records of Scotland, Ladywell House, Edinburgh, UK, 23 July 2013 [SLS][ONS LS][NILS][CALLS]

Output from project: 2013_012 (SLS), 30158 (ONS LS), 079 (NILS)

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Career progression and cities: escalators, elevators ambition, agglomeration and achievement

Gordon, T., Champion, T. & Coombes, M. (2013) Unlocking Urban Labour Markets - Resilience and Recovery, Edinburgh, 25 October 2013 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0301124

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Health selective migration: Influences of geographical mobility & changes in socio-spatial contexts on health outcomes

Norman, P. (2013) ONS LS 2011 Census Data Linkage Beta Test Workshop, UCL, London, 18 April 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0401001

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The Census

Grundy, E. (2013) Cambridge Geographical Association Public Lecture, University of Cambridge, UK, 14 March 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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Languages spoken and time since arrival

Duke-Williams, O. (2013) ONS LS 2011 Census Data Linkage Beta Test Workshop, UCL, UK 18 April 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 401009

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Off the waterfront: the long-run impact of technological change on dock workers

El-Sahli, Z. & Upward, R. (2013) Globalisation and Economic Policy (GEP) Workshop, University of Nottingham, UK, 14 May 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301522

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Employment, family and caring responsibilities for women in the last decade: multiple jeopardy for some ethnic groups?

Harding, S., Rosato, M., Molaodi, O. & Read, U.M. (2013) ONS LS Beta Test workshop, UCL, London, 18 April 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010058

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Health selective migration: Influences of geographical mobility & changes in socio-spatial contexts on health outcomes

Norman, P. (2013) ONS LS 2011 Census Data Linkage Beta Test Workshop, UCL, London, 5 November 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0401001

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Languages spoken and time since arrival

Duke-Williams, O. (2013) ONS LS 2011 Census Data Linkage Beta Test Workshop, UCL, UK 5 November 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 401009

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Off the waterfront: the long-run impact of technological change on dock workers

El-Sahli, Z. & Upward, R. (2013) University of Lund, Sweden, March 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301522

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Employment, family and caring responsibilities for women in the last decade: multiple jeopardy for some ethnic groups?

Harding, S., Rosato, M., Molaodi, O. & Read, U.M. (2013) ONS LS Beta Test workshop, UCL, London, 5 November 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010058

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Ethnic mobility in England and Wales to 2011

Platt, L., Catney, G., Kaufman, E., Harris, G. & Zuccotti, C. (2013) ONS LS 2011 Census Data Linkage Beta Test Workshop, UCL, London, 5 November 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010030

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Characteristics of and living arrangements amongst informal carers at the 2011 and 2001 Censuses: stability, change and transition

Evandrou, M., Robards, J., Falkingham, J., Vlachantoni, A., Jefferies, J. & Storey, A. (2013) ONS LS Beta Test workshop, UCL, London, 18 April 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010074

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The determinants of stable ethnic and religious identity 1991 – 2001 – 2011

Jivraj, S., Simpson, L. & Warren, J. (2013) ONS LS Beta Test workshop, UCL, London, UK, 5 November 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 401002

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The Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS): Providing a Framework for Policy and an Analysis of Outcomes

Rosato, M. (2013) NICVA Research Forum, 15 April 2013 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PPT 1.4MB)

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Exit, voice or accommodation?: diversity and the white working class in England and Wales

Harris, G. & Kaufmann, E. (2013) University of East Anglia, Norwich, 6 March 2013 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 2.5MB)
Output from project: 0410030

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Contact, Threat or ‘White Flight’?: local ethnic change, UKIP and anti-immigration sentiment in Britain

Kaufmann, E. (2013) Politics Dept Seminar, University of Reading, 19 November 2013 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010030

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Supporting policy-relevant research using the Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS)

Shuttleworth, I. (2012) Policy Forum Roundtable: Supporting policy - relevant research using the NILS, Queen's University, Belfast, UK, 18 January 2012 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 199KB)

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UCL-CeLSIUS Research Support Unit for the ONS Longitudinal Study

Shelton, N. (2012) ONS meeting, Titchfield, UK, 23 May 2012 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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Are deprived neighbourhoods risky neighbourhoods to live in?

van Ham, M. (2012) RPS Seminar. Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, 23 February 2012 [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_006

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Looking Forward: NILS Distinct Linkage Projects,“Beyond 2011”

Marshall, D. (2012) Policy Forum Roundtable: Supporting policy - relevant research using the NILS, Queen's University, Belfast, UK, 18 January 2012 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 700KB)

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Scottish Longitudinal Study – from question to answer

Dibben, C. (2012) Scottish Health Informatics Programme (SHIP) Safe Haven Workshop, Hilton Grosvenor Hotel, Glasgow, 13 April 2012 [SLS]

Available online: Link

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Creating mixed neighbourhoods. Theory, evidence, and practice.

van Ham, M. (2012) Polis-podium voor stedebouwkunde lecture series, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, 21 February 2012 [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_006

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Ethnicity and occupational mobility: Trends since the 1970s

Nazroo, J. (2012) Government Equalities Office Social Mobility Workshop, Westminster, London, UK [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301039

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Using address information from health card registrations: Perspectives from Northern Ireland using the Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS)

Shuttleworth, I. (2012) ESRC/ONS Seminar: Administrative Data Sources, Royal Statistical Society, London, UK, 9 July 2012 [NILS]

Output from project: 051

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The city regions of northern England as human-capital escalators … or not?

Champion, T. (2012) CRESC/N8 Seminar: Just Cities and Urban Rebalancing, Grays Court, York, UK, 26 January 2012 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0301124

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Risk of death: does it matter where you live?

Connolly, S. (2012) Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study Research Forum, NISRA, McAuley House, Belfast, UK, 1 June 2012 [NILS]

Output from project: 019

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Estimating the fertility of recent migrants to England and Wales using the Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study

Robards, J.W. (2012) ONS, Titchfield, UK, 13 February 2012 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301060

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Risk Factors for admission to care homes for older people

McCann, M. (2012) Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study Research Forum, NISRA, McAuley House, Belfast, UK, 1 June 2012 [NILS]

Output from project: 007

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Modelling the diluting effect of social mobility on health inequality

Turner, H. (2012) Royal Statistical Society, Telford, UK, 5 September 2012 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0301299

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Experience from my Beta Test project on return migration

Champion, T. (2012) ONS/BSPS Joint Meeting on ONS Longitudinal Study: Opportunities for testing the new research data base, LSE, London, UK, 12 October 2012 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 04010063

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Low birth-weight and exposure to ambient PM10 air pollution: some preliminary findings

Clemens, T. (2012) Dept of Geography & Sustainable Development seminar series, University of St Andrews, UK, 20 February 2012 [SLS]

View details...

Religion and health: Is this still a relevant connection in a modern world?

O'Reilly, D. (2012) Institute of Health & Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, UK, 24 May 2012 [NILS]

Output from project: 054

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Low birth-weight and exposure to ambient PM10 air pollution: some preliminary findings

Clemens, T. (2012) Dept of Geography & Sustainable Development research away day, University of St Andrews, UK, 10 May 2012 [SLS]

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NILS – Data Sharing/Linkage

Marshall, D. (2012) HSC Public Health Agency workshop: Access to Service User Data for Research and Linkage of Datasets, 24 April 2012 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 412KB)

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Beta test and beyond: what research opportunities does the LS present?

Shelton, N. (2012) ONS/BSPS Joint Meeting on ONS Longitudinal Study: Opportunities for testing the new research database, LSE, London, UK, 12 Oct 2012 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0300411

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An update on Research Programme 4: Demographic, Socio-Economic and Environmental Data Linkage

Clemens, T., Dibben, C., Williamson, L. & Feng, Z. (2012) Scottish Health Informatics Programme (SHIP) Annual Retreat, Dunblane, UK, 31 May - 1 June 2012 [SLS]

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The Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS) – Providing a Framework for Policy and an Analysis of Outcomes

Rosato, M., Johnston, F. & Shuttleworth, I. (2012) Institute for Research in Social Sciences Seminar, University of Ulster, Newtownabbey, UK, 20 February 2012 [NILS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 840KB)

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Healthcare expenditure projections: Impact of costs at the end of life

Geue, C., Briggs, A., Lewsey, J. & Lorgelly, P. (2012) Workshop zu Verteilungsfragen im Gesundheitswesen: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsökonomie e.V. [Workshop on distributional issues in healthcare: German Association for Health Economics], Hamburg Center for Health Economics, Hamburg, Germany. [SLS]

Output from project: 2009_011

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Who makes it up the London Escalator?  Ambition, migration and advancement  in a big city labour market

Gordon, I. (2012) Human Environments Research Group seminar, Reading University, UK, 21 January 2012 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0301124

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2011 Census Update

Beatty, R. (2012) Policy Forum Roundtable: Supporting policy - relevant research using the NILS, Queen's University, Belfast, UK, 18 January 2012 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 143KB)

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The Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study: An Introduction

Marshall, D. (2011) NILS Antibiotic Research Seminar (hosted by Public Health Agency, Health & Social Care Research & Development Division), PHA, Belfast, UK, 17 June 2011 [NILS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 677KB)

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Changing times and changing lives: insights from the Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study of England & Wales

Grundy, E. (2011) Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study Research Forum, NISRA, McAuley House, Belfast, UK, May 2011 [ONS LS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 191KB)
Output from project: 0300411

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Neighbourhood effects research, where to go next?

van Ham, M. (2011) Département Questions Sociales, Centre d'analyse stratégique & French General Secretariat of the Inter-ministerial Committee for Cities (SG CIV), Paris, France, 24 November 2011 [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_006

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Households and later life transistions: trends and implications

Grundy, E. (2011) Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study Research Forum, NISRA, McAuley House, Belfast, UK, May 2011 [ONS LS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 500KB)
Output from project: 30111

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Understanding selective mobility into and out of deprived neighbourhoods

van Ham, M. (2011) QMSS Seminar: Neighbourhood dynamics and contextual effects, Uppsala, Sweden, 8 - 10 June 2011 [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_005

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Does where you live influence your health or the reporting of ill-health?

Catney, G., Connolly, S., O'Reilly, D. & Rosato, M. (2011) NILS Research Forum: 'Attesting to the potential of the NILS: A series of presentations based on the projects jointly funded by the ESRC and the R&D Office', NISRA, McAuley House, Belfast, UK, 11 March 2011 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 2.1MB)
Output from project: 011, 015, 019

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Poverty neighbourhoods, neighbourhood effects and area based policies

van Ham, M. (2011) Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung Public Lecture, Berlin, Germany, 28 April 2011 [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_006

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An exploratory analysis of the socio-demographic characteristics of married versus unmarried mothers

Casson, K., Dolk, H., Gray, A-M. & Gardner, E. (2011) NILS Research Forum: 'Attesting to the potential of the NILS: A series of presentations based on the projects jointly funded by the ESRC and the R&D Office', NISRA, McAuley House, Belfast, UK, 11 March 2011 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 261KB)
Output from project: 018

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Are deprived neighbourhoods risky neighbourhoods to live in? Theorising and modelling neighbourhood effects

van Ham, M. (2011) Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience seminar series, University of Durham, Durham, UK, 14 February 2011 [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_006

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Modelling proxy earnings data to identify the importance of personal and place characteristics in explaining differences between cities in people’s career trajectories: a review of key methodological issues

Champion, T. (2011) SERC Work in Progress Seminar, London School of Economics, UK, 21 Jan 2011 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 30112

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Education and the ‘Baby Boom’ in Northern Ireland

McGregor, P. & McKee, P. (2011) NILS Research Forum: 'Attesting to the potential of the NILS: A series of presentations based on the projects jointly funded by the ESRC and the R&D Office', NISRA, McAuley House, Belfast, UK, 11 March 2011 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 508KB)
Output from project: 022

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Does living in the ‘wrong’ neighbourhood affect your life chances? Theorising and modelling neighbourhood effects

van Ham, M. & Manley, D. (2011) Social Statistics Applications and Policy Seminar Series, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK, 13 January 2011 [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_006

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Using the Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study

Robards, J.W. (2011) Centre for Population Change, University of Southampton, 10 May 2011 [ONS LS]

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How accurate and timely are BSO address data?

Barr, P.J. & Shuttleworth, I. (2011) NILS Research Forum: 'Attesting to the potential of the NILS: A series of presentations based on the projects jointly funded by the ESRC and the R&D Office', NISRA, McAuley House, Belfast, UK, 11 March 2011 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 1.6MB)
Output from project: 020

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Time Bomb or Damp Squib? Predicting Short Run Changes in Fertility in Northern Ireland

McGregor, P. & McKee, P. (2011) Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin, 17 November 2011 [NILS]

Output from project: 022

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Variations in use of publicly funded general dental practitioner services in Northern Ireland by children and adolescents

Telford, C., Donaldson, M. & O'Neill, C. (2011) NILS Research Forum: 'Attesting to the potential of the NILS: A series of presentations based on the projects jointly funded by the ESRC and the R&D Office', NISRA, McAuley House, Belfast, UK, 11 March 2011 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 244KB)
Output from project: 012, 033

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Mortality, Temperature and Housing

Morris, C. (2011) Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study Research Forum, NISRA, McAuley House, Belfast, UK, 11 November 2011 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 177KB)
Output from project: 002

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The Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study: data linkage, research potential and application

Catney, G. (2011) Meeting of the Royal Statistical Society, Leeds/Bradford Branch, 26 January 2011 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 179KB)
Output from project: 011

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Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Inequalities Monitoring System and the NIMS Report

Kees, L. (2011) Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study Research Forum, NISRA, McAuley House, Belfast, UK, 11 November 2011 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 1.4MB)
Output from project: 035

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Modelling short distance residential moves using linked data: an application of the Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study

Gould, M. (2011) Meeting of the Royal Statistical Society, Leeds/Bradford Branch, 26 January 2012 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 430KB)
Output from project: 020

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Socio-economic & demographic determinants of antibiotic prescribing patterns in NI – A Distinct Linkage Project using the Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study & HSC BSO Enhanced Prescribing Database

Johnston, F., Rosato, M. & Moylan, K. (2011) NILS Antibiotic Research Seminar (hosted by Public Health Agency, Health & Social Care Research & Development Division), PHA, Belfast, UK, 17 June 2011 [NILS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 4.5 MB)
Output from project: 042

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Childbearing postponement and child wellbeing: a complex and varied relationship?

Goisis, A. & Sigle-Rushton, W. (2011) National Council of Family Relations, Orlando, US [ONS LS]

Output from project: 30143

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Linking education data to the Scottish Longitudinal Study

Boyle, P. (2010) Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA), Belfast, UK, 8 June 2010 [SLS]

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Fertility Statistics – data issues: birth parity

Williamson, L. (2010) Fertility in Scotland: Policy and Research. Joint meeting of the Centre for Population Change (CPC) and Scottish Government, Edinburgh, UK, December 2010 [SLS]

Output from project: 2008_012

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Is being English in Scotland a good thing? Occupational mobility and migration in Scotland

Manley, D. & van Ham, M. (2010) Migration: the longitudinal perspective in the British Isles, Queens University Belfast, Belfast, UK, 26 March 2010 [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_005

View details...

Social Inequalities in Avoidable Mortality: Evidence from two British Cohort Studies

Pevalin, D. (2010) London School of Economics, UK, October 2010 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2009_007 (SLS), 30098 (ONS LS)

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An introduction to the Scottish Longitudinal Study

Dibben, C. (2010) Longitudinal studies: lessons for research and policy. ESDS event, British Library (Conference Centre), London, UK, 10 May 2011 [SLS]

View details...

Using the Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study for England & Wales to estimate fertility rates

Robards, J.W. (2010) Division of Social Statistics, University of Southampton, UK. 23 April 2010 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 30106

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An introduction to the Scottish Longitudinal Study

Dibben, C. (2010) The Scottish Longitudinal Study: Joint meeting with RSS Social Statistics section, The Melting Pot, Edinburgh, UK, 19 October 2010 [SLS]

View details...

Healthy life expectancy in Scotland

Bell, D. (2010) Presentation to Scottish Government, Edinburgh, UK. [SLS]

Output from project: 2008_008

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Migration and Religion in Scotland: A study on the influence of religion on migration behaviour

Feijten, P. & Boyle, P. (2010) Presentation to Scottish Government, Edinburgh, UK. [SLS]

Output from project: 2008_001

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Social Inequalities in Avoidable Mortality: What works and why?

Pevalin, D. (2010) Australian Health Promotion Association, North Coast Area Health Service, Lismore, Australia. May 2010

Output from project: 2009_007 (SLS), 30098 (ONS LS)

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The relationship between living alone, health and mortality: a test on the Scottish Longitudinal Study

Feijten, P. (2010) General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh, UK, 6 April 2010 [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_001

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Does being widowed increase the risk of death?

Feng, Z., Boyle, P. & Raab, G. (2010) Presentation to Scottish Government, Edinburgh, UK. [SLS]

Output from project: 2008_006

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Calculating fertility rates using the Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study for England & Wales

Robards, J.W. (2010) ONS, Titchfield, UK. 6 September 2010 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 30106

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Record Linkage Using the Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study

Johnston, F. (2010) GSS Seminar on Data Matching, London, UK. 29 November 2010 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 1.4MB)

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Does widowhood increase mortality risk?

Feng, Z., Boyle, P. & Raab, G. (2010) Birmingham Health and Wellbeing Partnership. [SLS]

Output from project: 2008_006

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Using address information from health card registrations: Perspectives from Northern Ireland using the Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS)

Barr, P.J. & Shuttleworth, I. (2010) NILS Research Forum. NISRA, McAuley House, Belfast, UK. 26 November 2010 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 71KB)

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Neighbourhood effects: a longitudinal perspective

Manley, D. & van Ham, M. (2010) ESRC Neighbourhood Effects Seminar Series: theory and evidence, University of St Andrews, UK. [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_006

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The Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study: An Outline of the Research Potential for Government Users

Johnston, F., Rosato, M. & Catney, G. (2010) NISRA Lunchtime Seminar, NISRA, McAuley House, Belfast, UK. 9 November 2010 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PPT 2.1MB)

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What is the impact of selective migration on the widening mortality gap in Greater Glasgow?

Popham, F. (2010) The Scottish Longitudinal Study: Joint meeting with RSS Social Statistics section, The Melting Pot, Edinburgh, UK, 19 October 2010 [SLS]

Output from project: 2008_010

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Using Administrative Data to Enhance Longitudinal Research

Dearden, L. (2010) NILS Research Forum Seminar Series, NISRA, McAuley House, Belfast, UK. October 2010 [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PPT 396KB)

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Teenage mothers in Scotland 1991 to 2001

Raab, G. (2010) Scottish Health Informatics Programme (SHIP) Annual Retreat, Stirling, UK, 20 - 21 May 2010 [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_002

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Spatial segregation and population dynamics: evidence, data sources and research priorities

Bailey, N. & Barnes, H. (2010) ESRC Neighbourhood Effects Seminar Series: Understanding Dynamic Neighbourhoods, University of Manchester, UK. [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_015

View details...

Teenage parents in Scotland 1991 to 2001. Evidence from the Scottish Longitudinal Study

Raab, G. (2010) The Scottish Longitudinal Study: Joint meeting with RSS Social Statistics section, The Melting Pot, Edinburgh, UK, 19 October 2013 [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_002

View details...

Making better use of administrative data for spatial analysis

Boyle, P. (2010) Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Berlin, Germany, 2 February 2010 [SLS]

View details...

Housing tenure, neighbourhood sorting and labour market transitions in Scotland: explaining neighbourhood effects

van Ham, M. (2010) School of Economics, University of Utrecht, Netherlands, 24 March 2010 [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_006

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Some of the benefits of longitudinal analysis

Boyle, P. (2010) Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA), Belfast, UK, 8 June 2010 [SLS]

View details...

Housing tenure, neighbourhood sorting and labour market transitions in Scotland: explaining neighbourhood effects

van Ham, M. & Manley, D. (2010) Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, Netherlands, 18 February 2010 [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_006

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Social Inequalities in Avoidable Mortality: Two British Cohort Studies

Pevalin, D. (2010) Presentations at: University of Melbourne; Flinders University, Adelaide; and Australian Health Promotion Association, Queensland. [SLS][ONS LS]

Output from project: 2009_007 (SLS), 30098 (ONS LS)

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How does Manchester compare with London and England’s other large city regions as an escalator region, 1991-2001?

Champion, T. (2010) PERM Research Group Seminar, University of Manchester, UK, 1 March 2010 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 30112

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Intro to the NILS

Adams, R. (2009) NILS Research Forum Seminar Series, NISRA, McAuley House, Belfast, UK. December 2009. [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 32KB)

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The role of migration in the widening health gap

Boyle, P. (2009) Dept of Nursing & Midwifery, University of Stirling, UK, 13 March 2009 [SLS]

Output from project: 2008_010

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Choosing Core NILS data and its Impact on Research

Adams, R. & Brolly, M. (2009) NILS Research Forum Seminar Series, NISRA, McAuley House, Belfast, UK. December 2009. [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 580KB)

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Economic segregation, deprived neighbourhoods and migration

Bailey, N. (2009) Presentation at Scottish Government event: 'Tackling Multiple Deprivation in Communities' Evidence Event. [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 126KB)
Output from project: 2007_015

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Migration and health: Lessons from routine data

Boyle, P. (2009) Department of Geography, University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, 16 December 2009 [SLS]

Output from project: 2008_010

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Marriage is not all it’s cracked up to be: living with others, not marriage, is good for men’s health

Boyle, P., Feng, Z. & Feitjen, P. (2009) Solo Living Seminar, Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, University of Edinburgh, UK. [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_001

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The impact of internal migration on widening health inequalities in Scotland

Popham, F., Boyle, P., O'Reilly, D. & Leyland, A. (2009) Public Health Information Network for Scotland (PHINS) seminar, Glasgow, UK. [SLS]

Output from project: 2008_010

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Neighbourhood social mix and transitions into and out of employment in Scotland

van Ham, M. (2009) ESRC Seminar Series on Gentrification and Social Mix, Institute of Geography, University of Edinburgh, UK, 19 - 20 February 2009 [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_006

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The Economic Impact of Return Migrants to Scotland: Evidence from the Scottish Longitudinal Study

McCollum, D. (2009) Demography Analytical Working Group, Scottish Government, Edinburgh, UK. September 2009 [SLS]

Output from project: 2009_003

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Neighbourhood social mix and transitions into and out of employment in Scotland

van Ham, M. & Manley, D. (2009) ERI Seminar Series, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK, 4 March 2009 [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_006

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The effect of neighbourhood housing tenure mix on labour market outcomes: a longitudinal perspective

van Ham, M. & Manley, D. (2009) Scottish Social Survey Network, University of Stirling, UK, 8 January 2009 [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_006

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Accounting for age-specific fertility differences between England & Wales and France using the Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study

Robards, J.W. (2009) ONS, Titchfield, UK, 10 November 2009

Output from project: 30106

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List Inflation

Fitzpatrick, S. (2009) NILS Research Forum Seminar Series, NISRA, McAuley House, Belfast, UK. December 2009. [NILS]

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Neighbourhood social mix and transitions into and out of employment in Scotland

van Ham, M. & Manley, D. (2009) Presentation to Scottish Government, Edinburgh, UK, 2 March 2009 [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_006

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Census Imputation

Beatty, R. (2009) NILS Research Forum Seminar Series, NISRA, McAuley House, Belfast, UK. December 2009. [NILS]

Download output document: Presentation slides (PDF 1.4MB)

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The ‘escalator region’ hypothesis and the regional cities of England: a research agenda

Champion, T. (2008) Urban and Regional Economics Seminar series, LSE London, UK, 31 October 2008 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 40002

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Regenerating Neighbourhoods – Untangling the mix

van Ham, M. (2008) Firm (Analytical) Foundations: Scottish Housing Research and Analysis for Policy, Edinburgh, UK, 22 April 2008 [SLS]

Output from project: 2007_006

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What is a longitudinal study: the research benefits

Boyle, P. (2006) Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) Longitudinal Study launch, Belfast, UK, 8 December 2006 [SLS]

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The Scottish Longitudinal Study

Boyle, P. & Hattersley, L. (2002) Presentation at MRC Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow, UK. [SLS]

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The Scottish Longitudinal Study

Boyle, P. (2002) Presentation to Royal Statistical Society, Glasgow section, Glasgow, UK. [SLS]

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The Scottish Longitudinal Study

Boyle, P. (2002) ESRC seminar series: Analysing Longitudinal Data - Bridging the gap between methodology and sociological research: Longitudinal Analysis - The Theoretical Paradigm, University of Stirling, UK. [SLS]

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How do schools shape neighbourhoods? Endogenous residential location in response to local school quality

Greaves, E. (2002) Royal Economic Society Easter School, University of Bristol, 5 April 2022 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 2000809

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