Data linkage in practice – Introducing the Scottish Longitudinal Study: from data sources, data governance to example projects of SLS in action

Williamson, L. & Feng, Z. (2015) Socitm Scotland 2015, Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh, 24 November 2015 [SLS]

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Breakout Session description:

Dr Lee Williamson will introduce you to the SLS which links together routinely collected administrative data for a 5.3% representative sample of the Scottish population. The SLS with appropriate permissions can also be linked to other health data sources.. The size and scope of the SLS make it an unparalleled resource for understanding a range of socio-economic, demographic and health questions.

Dr Zhiqiang Feng will reports findings from a study which investigated the consequences, and risk factors of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) over the past two decades. The study used the SLS to allow an effective assessment of risk factors and consequences. The research provides new longitudinal evidence which may help to understand past and current policy impacts as well as informing future policy development.

Available online: Link
Output from project: 2013_005


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