Latest news on the online data dictionary
We hope you are finding the new joint online data dictionary useful! Feedback so far has been extremely positive, which we are delighted to hear. Within the next 1-2 months we hope to have more updates to the system for you.
The latest version of the ONS LS data dictionary is currently being processed to be incorporated into the system. This will fill in some coding and variable gaps in the 2011 data that we hold at the moment. Please bear with us in the meantime. If you require access to the full dictionary for 2011 more urgently, please contact CeLSIUS.
2011 variables for the Scottish Longitudinal Study will soon also be ready for addition to the online system. For researchers who need access to the 2011 variables before then, we would ask that you contact SLS-DSU who can arrange an MS Access version of the new dictionary to be sent to you.
Last, but definitely not least, similarity scores for 1991 variables are almost complete and we hope to have them incorporated into the system soon. For those of you yet to discover this new feature, similarity scores are designed to assist researchers who wish to use more than one LS in their research. You can read more about the similarity scores in our dictionary guidance section, and more on using multiple LSs in our Resources section.
We would love to hear how you have been finding the new Data Dictionary system! Please take a few minutes to drop us a line to let us know.