Research Reports

Health and Place: How levelling up in health can improve labour market participation of older workers

Kelly, N. featuring Murray, E. T., Shelton, N, Head, J., Norman, P., Bingham, D. & Beach, B. (2022) Final report by ILC-UK, for project funder, Health Foundation, 19 October 2022. [ONS LS]

Available online: Final report by ILC-UK, for project funder, Health Foundation,
Output from project: 2000166

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The lifelong health and wellbeing trajectories of people who have been in care: Findings from the Looked-after Children Grown up Project

Sacker, A., Murray, E. T., Lacey, R. E. & Maughan, B. (2021) [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 1008925

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Elites in the UK: Pulling away? Social mobility, geographic mobility and elite occupations

Hecht, K., McArthur, D., Savage, M. & Friedman, S. (2020) Sutton Trust [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Output from project: 1013211

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Submission from the Understanding Inequalities Project to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Social Mobility

Zhang, ML. (2020) APPG on Housing and Social Mobility 30 June 2020 [SLS]

Output from project: 2018_006

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Inheritances and inequality within generations

Bourquin, P., Joyce, R. & Sturrock, D. (2020) The IFS Report R173, 1 July 2020. [ONS LS]

Available online: The IFS Report R173,
Output from project: 1013713

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Inheritances and inequality within generations

Joyce, R., Sturrock, D. & Bourquin, P. (2020) Report for funder & project advisory board at IFS, [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1013713

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Moving out to move on: Understanding the link between migration, disadvantage and social mobility

Papoutsaki, D., Buzzeo, J., Gray, H., Williams, M., Cockett, J., Akehurst, G., Alexander, K., Newton, B., Pollard, E. (2020) Research Report, Social Mobility Commission, [ONS LS]

Available online: Research Report,
Output from project: 1014592

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Trade and technology impacts on UK labour markets

Levell, P. & Parey, M. (2019) 27 March 2019. [ONS LS]

Output from project: 1007544

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TENURE CHANGE IN SCOTLAND, a comparison between 1991-2001 and 2001-2011

Freeke, J. (2018) [SLS]

Download output document: Full report (PDF 464KB)
Output from project: 2016_004

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Working for everyone: addressing barriers and inequalities in the extended working lives agenda

Murray, E. (2017) International Longevity Centre-UK, 5 December 2017. [ONS LS]

Output from project: 0410082

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To downsize or not? Household changes and housing consumption among older adults in Scotland

Graham, E., Fiori, F. & Feng, Z. (2015) CPC briefing paper, 30 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Full paper (PDF 1MB)
Output from project: 2013_011

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Consequences, risk factors, and geography of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET)

Feng, Z., Everington, D., Ralston, K., Dibben, C., Raab, G. & Graham, E. (2015) Scottish Government. 26 October 2015. ISBN: 9781785447143 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Full report (PDF 869kB)
Output from project: 2013_005

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Off the waterfront: The long-run impact of technological change on dock workers

El-Sahli, Z. & Upward, R. (2015) GEP Research Paper Series, Univ of Nottingham, UK [ONS LS]

Available online: GEP Research Paper Series,
Download output document: Full paper (PDF 4MB)
Output from project: 0301522

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Flexible ageing: new ways to measure the diverse experience of population aging in Scotland, using the Scottish Longitudinal Study

Spijker, J. & MacInnes, J. (2015) [SLS]

Download output document: Full report (PDF 10MB)
Output from project: 2013_003

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Consequences of young people not in education, employment or training – NEETs: a longitudinal analysis

Feng, Z. (2015) Scottish Longitudinal Study NEET Project - Research Findings Meeting, Edinburgh, 27 April 2015 [SLS]

Output from project: 2013_005

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Risk factors of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET): Longitudinal analyses over a 10 year follow up period

Everington, D. (2015) Scottish Longitudinal Study NEET Project - Research Findings Meeting, Edinburgh, 27 April 2015 [SLS]

Output from project: 2013_005

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Who gets on to the property ladder in Scotland? – Changing transitions to home ownership among young adults over two decades

Graham, E., Fiori, F. & Feng, Z. (2015) CPC briefing paper, 26 [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Full paper (PDF 1MB)
Output from project: 2013_011

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Researching the characteristics of informal carers in England and Wales

Robards, J., Evandrou, M., Falkingham, J. & Vlachantoni, A. (2014) Care Life Cycle Briefing Paper, 7 1 April 2014. [ONS LS]

Available online: Care Life Cycle Briefing Paper,
Download output document: Full paper (PDF 312kB)
Output from project: 04010074

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Changing Places: The White British Response to Ethnic Change…

Kaufmann, E. & Harris, G. (2014) Demos Report Paper, 29 September 2014. [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Full paper (PDF 2MB)
Output from project: 04010030

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Urban Escalators and Inter-regional Elevators: The Difference that Location, Mobility and Sectoral Specialisation make to Occupational Progression

Champion, T., Coombes, M. & Gordon, I. (2013) Spatial Economics Research Centre Discussion Paper 139. 1 September 2013. [ONS LS]

Available online: Spatial Economics Research Centre Discussion Paper
Download output document: Full paper (PDF 1MB)
Output from project: 0301124

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Impact of Centre for Longitudinal Study Information and User Support (CeLSIUS) RES-348-25-004 and extension RES-348-25-0004-01

Grundy, E. (2013) ESRC Impact Report [ONS LS]

Available online: ESRC Impact Report
Output from project: 0300411

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The Parental Co-Immunization Hypothesis

Portela, M. & Schweinzer, P. (2013) Discussion Papers in Economics, No 13/27,12 November 2013. [ONS LS]

Available online: Discussion Papers in Economics,
Download output document: Full paper (PDF 598 kB)
Output from project: 0301301

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Social Investment Fund Areas and Population Dynamics: Describing and Analysing Internal Migration Moves into and out of Socially Deprived Areas using the Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS)

Shuttleworth, I. (2013) Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister (OFMDFM). [NILS]

Output from project: 062

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The intersections of labour market and household mobility: IB claimants and limiting long-term illness in Northern Ireland

Shuttleworth, I. (2013) Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister (OFMDFM). [NILS]

Output from project: 055

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How Far Do England’s Second-Order Cities Emulate London as Human-Capital ‘Escalators’?

Champion, T., Coombes, M. & Gordon, I. (2013) Spatial Economics Research Centre (SERC) Discussion Paper 132. 1 March 2013. [ONS LS]

Available online: Spatial Economics Research Centre (SERC) Discussion Paper
Download output document: Full Paper (PDF 863KB)
Output from project: 0301124

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Occupational Mobility and Living in Deprived Neighbourhoods: Housing Tenure Differences in ‘Neighbourhood Effects’

van Ham, M. & Manley, D. (2013) IZA Discussion Paper 7815, IZA Institute for the Study of Labor. 1 December 2013. [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Discussion Paper (PDF 192KB)
Output from project: 2007_006

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Socio-economic costs of bereavement in Scotland

Birrell, J., Corden, A., Macduff, C., Newsom, C., Petrie, D., Schut, H., Skår, S., Stephen, A., Tseng, F., Wang, S. & Wilson, S. (2013) Main Study Report, 1 March 2013. [SLS]

Available online: Main Study Report,
Download output document: Full report (PDF 362kB)

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NI Health & Social Care Inequalities Monitoring System: A Section 75 Analysis of Mortality Patterns in Northern Ireland 2003-2007

Keys, L. & Stewart, B. (2012) Project Support Analysis Branch, Information Analysis Directorate. 1 January 2012. [NILS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Full Report (PDF 392KB)
Output from project: 035

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The Demographic and Socio-Economic Profile of Return Migrants and Long-Term In-Migrants in Scotland: Evidence from the Scottish Longitudinal Study

McCollum, D. (2011) Scottish Government Social Research Report. Scottish Government: Edinburgh, 14 February 2011. [SLS]

Available online: Scottish Government Social Research Report.
Download output document: Full Report (PDF 393KB)
Output from project: 2009_003

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Social mixing as a cure for negative neighbourhood effects: Evidence based policy or urban myth?

Manley, D., van Ham, M. & Doherty, J. (2011) IZA Discussion Paper 5634. 1 April 2011. IZA Institute for the Study of Labor. [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Full Paper (PDF 91KB)
Output from project: 2007_006

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The Demographic and Socio-Economic Profile of Return Migrants and Long-Term In-Migrants in Scotland: Evidence from the Scottish Longitudinal Study

McCollum, D. (2011) AQMeNtion Newsletter Ed 5 - April 2011. 1 April 2011. [SLS]

Download output document: Full Paper (PDF 31KB)
Output from project: 2009_003

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Social mobility : is there an advantage in being English in Scotland?

van Ham, M., Manley, D., Findlay, A. & Feitjen, P. (2010) IZA Discussion Paper 4797. IZA Institute for the Study of Labor. [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Full Paper (PDF 133KB)
Output from project: 2007_005

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Assessing socio-economic inequalities in mortality and other health outcomes at the Scottish national level (incorporating a comparison between mortality in Scotland and England)

Boyle, P. (2010) Pilot study commissioned by Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy. [SLS][ONS LS]

Output from project: 2009_004 (SLS), 30117 (ONS LS)

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Neighbourhoods and the creation, stability and success of mixed ethnic unions

Feng, Z., Boyle, P., van Ham, M. & Raab, G. (2010) UPTAP Research Findings, UPTAP: Leeds. 1 July 2010. [SLS][ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Paper Abstract (PDF 139KB)
Output from project: 2007_016 (SLS), 30092 (ONS LS)

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Neighbourhoods and the creation, stability and success of mixed ethnic unions

Feng, Z., van Ham, M., Boyle, P. & Raab, G. (2010) Full Research Project, ESRC End of Award Report, RES-163-25-0045. Swindon: ESRC. [SLS][ONS LS]

Available online: Full Research Project, ESRC End of Award Report, RES-163-25-0045.
Download output document: Full Report (PDF 935KB)
Output from project: 2007_016 (SLS), 30092 (ONS LS)

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Life expectancy and healthy ageing

Office for National Statistics (2010) Pension Trends, Chapter 3. Office for National Statistics. 25 June 2010. [ONS LS]

Download output document: Full paper (PDF 337KB)

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Neighbourhood effects, housing tenure, and individual employment outcomes

Manley, D. & van Ham, M. (2010) IZA Discussion Paper 5271. IZA Institute for the Study of Labor. 1 October 2010. [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Paper Abstract (PDF 176KB)
Output from project: 2007_006

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Assessing socio-economic inequalities in mortality and other health outcomes at the Scottish national level

Popham, F. & Boyle, P. (2010) Final report for the Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy, SCPHRP. [SLS]

Download output document: Full Report (PDF 416KB)
Output from project: 2009_004

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Pervasive Area Poverty: a pilot study applying modelled household income in a NILS context

McClelland, A. & Donnelly, D. (2009) Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister (OFMDFM). 1 April 2009. [NILS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Full Paper (PDF 790KB)
Output from project: 025

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The Effect of Neighbourhood Housing Tenure Mix on Labour Market Outcomes: A Longitudinal Perspective

van Ham, M. & Manley, D. (2009) IZA Discussion Paper 4094. IZA Institute for the Study of Labor. 1 March 2009. [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Full Paper (PDF 361KB)
Output from project: 2007_006

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Tenure Change in Scotland: a comparison between 1991-2001 and 2001-2006

Freeke, J. (2009) Glasgow City Council/Scottish Government, 13 May 2009. [SLS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Full Report (PDF 131KB)
Output from project: 2007_009

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New Research with Queen’s University Belfast in conjunction with NISRA

Kinnear, H. (2009) Screening Matters - The QARC Newsletter 16, 2. HSC Public Health Agency [NILS]

Available online: Screening Matters - The QARC Newsletter
Download output document: Full Leaflet (PDF 1.1MB)
Output from project: 021

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Developing integrated analyses of the England & Wales, Scottish and Northern Ireland Census Longitudinal Studies: health and mortality as a case study

Grundy, E., O'Reilly, D.P.J. & Boyle, P. (2009) Full Research Report, ESRC End of Award Report, RES-348-25-0013. Swindon: ESRC. [SLS][ONS LS][NILS]

Available online: Full Research Report, ESRC End of Award Report, RES-348-25-0013.
Download output document: ESRC Report (PDF 189KB)
Output from project: 2008_009 (SLS), 30086 (ONS LS), 028 (NILS)

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Health and well-being at older ages: the interlinkage with family life histories, gender and national contexts

Dykstra, P.L., Grundy, E., Fokkema, T., de Jong Gierverld, J., Ploubidis, G. Read, S. & Tomassini, C. (2009) Final report prepared in the context of the MAGGIE (Major Ageing and Gender Issues in Europe) research project. Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI), 3 December 2009. [ONS LS]

Available online: Final report prepared in the context of the MAGGIE (Major Ageing and Gender Issues in Europe) research project.
Output from project: 30037

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Ethnicity and child poverty

Platt, L. (2009) Research Report No 576, Department for Work and Pensions. 1 May 2009. ISBN: 978 1 84712 560 6 [ONS LS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Full Paper (PDF 2.2MB)
Output from project: 30096

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Differences in Mortality Rates in Northern Ireland 2002-2005: A Section 75 and Social Disadvantage Perspective

McClelland, A. (2008) Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister (OFMDFM). 1 October 2008. [NILS]

Available online: Link
Download output document: Full Paper (PDF 224KB)
Output from project: 024

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Climate and mortality in Northern Ireland 2001-2006

Morris, C. (2008) DSD Statistics and Research Bulletin, 4. Department for Social Development (DSDNI) 1 April 2008. [NILS]

Available online: DSD Statistics and Research Bulletin,
Download output document: Full Paper (PDF 470KB)
Output from project: 002

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The effect of lifelong learning on intra-generational social mobility – evidence from longitudinal data in the UK

Blanden, J., Sturgis, P., Buscha, F. & Urwin, P. (2008) Project report to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills. Ref DIUS RR 09 04 [ONS LS]

Output from project: 30072

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Fuel Poverty, Climate and Mortality in Northern Ireland 1980 – 2006

Morris, C. (2007) DSD Statistics and Research Bulletin, Occasional Paper 25. Department for Social Development (DSDNI) 1 November 2007. [NILS]

Output from project: 002

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Persistent employment disadvantage

Berthoud, R. & Blekesaune, M. (2007) Department for Work and Pensions, Research Report No 416. ISBN: 978 1 84712 158 5 [ONS LS]

Download output document: Full report (PDF 2MB)
Output from project: 20094

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