The Demographic and Socio-Economic Profile of Return Migrants and Long-Term In-Migrants in Scotland: Evidence from the Scottish Longitudinal Study

McCollum, D. (2011) AQMeNtion Newsletter Ed 5 - April 2011. 1 April 2011. [SLS]

Other information:

Population growth is a key contributor to, and consequence of, a more vibrant society and dynamic economy. However, Scotland's overall population is ageing, whilst its population of working age is forecast to decline. A modest rate of natural increase (births minus deaths) means that Scotland is heavily reliant on in-migration as a means to achieving its Population Target. However, little is currently known about the nature of migration flows into Scotland or the characteristics of the individuals involved. This research makes use of the Scottish Longitudinal Study (SLS) to explore the nature of some return and other migration flows to Scotland by investigating the characteristics of those who constitute them. Three groups are explored: return migrants, long-term in-migrants from the rest of the UK and long-term in-migrants from abroad.

Paper available courtesy of AQMeN

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Output from project: 2009_003


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