The Scottish Longitudinal Study 1936 Birth Cohort

Huang, Z., Feng, Z., Dibben, C., Brett, C. & Deary, I. (2017) SLS Technical Working Paper 7. Longitudinal Studies Centre Scotland: Edinburgh/St Andrews, 30 March 2017. [SLS]

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This paper describes the creation of the Scottish Longitudinal Study (SLS) birth Cohort of 1936 (SLSBC1936). It is structured around the existing SLS. We took the SLS birth date sample from the Scottish Mental Survey of 1947 (SMS1947, a cognitive ability test that included almost all Scottish children born in 1936) and linked it to the 1939 National Register, the National Health Service Central Register (NHSCR) and the SLS. The outcome of the project is a powerful life course dataset containing information from childhood to old age.

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