Geocoding 1939 address data for the SLSBC1936

Huang, Z. (2023) 18 August 2023. [SLS]

Other information: The Scottish Longitudinal Study (SLS) birth cohort of 1936 (SLSBC1936) links data between the Scottish Mental Survey of 1947 (SMS1947), the 1939 Register, the National Health Service Central Register (NHSCR) and the SLS. The data collected for this cohort and the quality of data linkage are described in the SLS Working Paper 7 (Huang, et al 2017). As part of the data linkage exercise some key information in the 1939 Register such as the residential addresses of the cohort members were manually transcribed. This paper describes the process of geocoding 1939 addresses in the SLSBC1936. We present the method of linking 1939 addresses to the geocoded 1939 datasets. The output of this exercise is a dataset containing the grid references of 1939 addresses for 97.3% of the SLSBC1936 members who were found in the 1939 Register. These grid references of residential location provide a new opportunity for linking to local area characteristics for research on contextual impacts on socioeconomic chances and health over the life course.

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