Scotland’s Census Outputs workshops

Come along to hear about the Scottish Longitudinal Study and other Scottish Census Outputs in this pair of workshops to be held at Edinburgh University on Thursday 30th June.

These two related workshops aim to provide participants with an introduction to the breadth of data products available from the Scottish Census and are an opportunity to explore these data in hands-on sessions. The workshops are free, open to all and do not require prior knowledge of census products. They will be of most interest to people who would like a general introduction to the Scottish Census and who would like to find out about data resources and how to access and use them. The morning session is focused on aggregated count data for areas, while the afternoon workshop looks at individual-level microdata products, these are more flexible products which behave more like data collected from a survey.

The event is being organised by the UK Data Service in collaboration with the National Records for Scotland, Scottish Longitudinal Study Development and Support Unit and Edinburgh University Data Library.

Attendees must book. The two workshops have been organised to provide a coherent day but are offered as two separate workshops so that participants can choose to attend just part of the day if required.  If you would like to attend the whole day please book a place on both workshops.

For further information and to book a place visit the UK Data Service website


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