Does widowhood increase mortality risk? Comparing different causes of spousal death to test for selection effects

Boyle, P., Feng, Z. & Raab, G. (2009) SLS Research Working Paper 4. Longitudinal Studies Centre Scotland: Edinburgh/St Andrews, 27 November 2009. [SLS]

Other information:

We consider the effect of spousal bereavement on mortality by different types of spousal death. We expect some causes of death to be correlated with socioeconomic characteristics and others not to be. Equality in the ‘bereavement effect’ across different causes of death would suggest a causal effect of widowhood, while no bereavement effect for uncorrelated causes of death would suggest that selection effects have a role.

Download output document: SLS Research Working Paper 4 (PDF 117KB)
Output from project: 2008_006


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