Partnership status and mortality in England and Wales: The effect of living arrangements or health selection?

Franke, S. & Kulu, H. (2014) BSPS Annual Conference 2014, Univ of Winchester, 8 - 10 September 2014. [ONS LS]

Other information:

Research on health and mortality by marital status shows lower mortality rates and better health for married persons in comparison to single and separated individuals. Those differences, usually stronger for men than for women, persist even when controlling for socio-demographic and economic characteristics of individuals. Changes in England and Wales over the last 40 years -- such as rise in cohabitation, divorce rates, lone parent families, and life expectancy – invite a re-evaluation of these trends by focusing on health and mortality by different living arrangements. Using data from the ONS Longitudinal Study (LS) and applying hazard models, the project investigates health and mortality by partnership and family status in England and Wales between 2001 and 2011and examines the causes of mortality differentials. This poster presents preliminary findings for both men and women with specific focus on people at older ages.

Available online: Link
Output from project: 0301675


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