Occupational inequalities in cause-specific and all-cause mortality in European men
Toch, M., Menvielle, G., Eikemo, T.A., Jasilionis, D., Mackenbach, J. & EURO-GBD-SE consortium (2012) European Population Conference (EPC), Stockholm, Sweden, 13 - 16 June 2012 [SLS]
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In the last decades life expectancy has shown a remarkable - almost linear - increase (Oeppen and Vaupel, 2002). However, substantial differences in mortality are still observed and may even be increasing between socioeconomic groups (Davey Smith et al., 2002; Donkin et al., 2002; Leclerc et al., 2006; Mackenbach et al., 2003). Those inequalities are one of the biggest challenges of societies (Marmot, 2005). Further, they differ considerably between European populations. Such inequalities are unfair, unnecessary and avoidable. Cross country comparisons can help identify the scope for reduction. Europe is a unique region in this respect, as inter country population characteristics as well as history and development between countries differ, and highly reliable and comparable data on mortality and socioeconomic position are available in the majority of the countries. Previous research though, focussed mainly on educational inequalities. Fewer articles analysed occupational class inequalities (Kunst et al., 1998; Mackenbach et al., 1997; Mackenbach et al., 2008) and most analyses here focus on occupational inequalities in the 1980s and 1990s. The aim of this study is to analyse for the first time occupational class inequalities in all-cause mortality and mortality due to several causes of death in Europe at the start of the new millennium. This study – as a part of the Euro-GBD-SE project – contributes to the aim of tackling inequalities in Europe, as it analyses mortality inequalities by occupational class with recent, comprehensive and comparable data from 14 European countries. We present results for all cause mortality, all cancers, all CVD, all external and all other.
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Output from project: 2011_003