Micro-level modelling to identify the separate effects of migrant status and other personal characteristics on people’s job status change

Champion, T., Coombes, M. & Gordon, I. (2011) British Society for Population Studies Annual Conference, University of York, UK, 7 - 9 September 2011 [ONS LS]

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This paper investigates the relationship between social mobility and geographical mobility in England and Wales using the linked census records of the ONS Longitudinal Study. It builds on the insights originally achieved by Fielding some two decades ago, which among other things showed that in 1971-1981 there were particularly high levels of upward social mobility among those moving to the 'escalator region' of south-east England. Novel features of our analysis include updating the analysis to 1991-2001, adopting an urban rather than regional perspective, covering a wider set of cities than just London and using a single-scale measure of job status based on imputed hourly income as opposed to a set of inter-class transitions. Micro-level modelling is used to gauge the separate effect on career progression of being an inter-city migrant after allowing for people's other attributes and characteristics, notably age and gender. Inter-city migrants are also distinguished by reference to the type of city region that they moved between, notably in terms of the hierarchical level and regional location of the city.

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