Inter-cohort Trends in Intergenerational Mobility in England & Wales: income, status and class (InTIME)

Buscha, F. & Sturgis, P. (2015) CALLS Hub Research Brief 1. 3 February 2015. [ONS LS][CALLS]

Other information:

In this project we add to the existing evidence base on recent trends in inter-generational social mobility in England and Wales. We analyse data from the Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study (ONS LS), which links individual records from the five decennial censuses between 1971 and 2011. Counter to widespread prevailing beliefs, our results show evidence of a small but significant increase in social fluidity for cohorts born between the 1950s and the 1980s for both men and women.

Download output document: Research Brief (PDF 415KB)
Output from project: 0401004


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