Webinar – Using the Census Longitudinal Studies for research on internal migration

Wednesday 15th November 2017, 2-3pm

To coincide with the publication of our second Thematic Guide CALLS Hub will be hosting a webinar on November 15th. This event will give a brief introduction as well as featuring presentations from prominent migration researchers who have used the 3 Census Longitudinal Studies (the NILS, ONS LS and SLS). There will also be an opportunity for you to take part in a Q&A session with the presenters.

  • Introduction to the Longitudinal Studies and their potential for internal migration research – Dr Fiona Cox, Project Manager, CALLS Hub
  • Migration, occupational mobility and regional escalators in Scotland – Prof Maarten van Ham, TU Delft
  • Are we becoming more migratory? An analysis of internal migration 1971-2011 – Dr Ian Shuttleworth, Queens University Belfast
  • Does internal migration in Northern Ireland increase religious and social segregation? Perspectives from the Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS) 2001-2007 – Dr Myles Gould, University of Leeds
  • Q&A session

Registration is free: book your place now


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