Subject choices do not help employment hopes of poorer students, study finds

Braiden, G., featuring Iannelli, C., Klein, M. & Duta, A. (2017) The Herald, 28 June 2017. [SLS]

Other information:

SCHOOL leavers from poorer families are significantly more likely to be unemployed regardless of which subjects they have studied, new research shows.

Seven out of 10 S4 school leavers whose parents were in long-term unemployment or inactive found themselves out of work, training or further education after up to four years later, the study found.

Meanwhile, half of S4 school leavers with parents in routine manual jobs were also unemployed or inactive after three or four years.

By contrast, less than a third of their peers with parents in a managerial or professional occupation were out of work.

Campaigners said the findings showed the need for a wider approach to tackling childhood poverty as well as practical assistance on places to study and access to the internet...

Available online: The Herald,
Output from project: 2013_013


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