Call for Papers – Administrative Data Research Network (ADRN) Annual Conference 2017

Call for papers on the use of longitudinal and population register data across countries

Papers are invited to two CALLS Hub sponsored sessions at the Administrative Data Research Network (ADRN) annual conference (Edinburgh, 1st-2nd June 2017) that involve the use of census longitudinal studies and/or population linkage studies to contribute to the substantive themes of health/mortality inequality or migration.

For further details and to submit an abstract see:
The deadline for submitted abstracts is 1st February 2017.

International comparisons offer valuable opportunities to develop new understandings of social processes by comparing social/spatial patterns in observed outcomes to cross-national differences in relevant contextual factors (for example the nature of health care provision). At the 2017 ADRN conference, CALLS Hub are sponsoring a theme that highlights and promotes the use of international comparisons involving census longitudinal studies and/or record linkage studies. This includes a plenary talk delivered by Prof Johan Mackenbach (Erasmus MC) and two strands on the substantive themes of mortality/health inequality and migration to which we invite submission of papers.

Details on the sessions are provided below:

Mortality and health inequalities – international perspectives using longitudinal census studies and population register data

This session invites papers that examine inequalities in mortality or morbidity in or across countries using census longitudinal studies and/or record linkage studies.

Migration: international perspectives using longitudinal census studies and population register data

This session invites papers that examine patterns of migration within or across countries using census longitudinal studies and/or record linkage studies.

For each of the above strands we also welcome papers that reflect on methodological challenges and opportunities of such analysis.

For further details contact: Alan Marshall, University of St Andrews


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